Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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So there can be learning in any life. Try to guide and help each person but don't try to judge and change that person.

How do I stop myself from getting angry and stop anger in others ? As soon as you feel the heat of anger arising, do something about it. Cool the feelings in some way. Stop the reaction. Lower your voice, unclench your fist, reason with yourself. Know that you are a peaceful soul. Reason will eventually prevail anyway, with or without this unnecessary anger. Don't allow frustration to build up. Do something about these minor frustrations before they reach this boiling-over level. Start relaxation techniques and realise you are a peaceful soul. Deal with these out of control frustrations – one by one.

See things in a wider perspective. This is only one of your many lifetimes, which is very short anyway. Okay, so a driver cut in front of me, but I survived it and so did they. Stop dwelling on it. Allow the anger to go.

Every time you feel the surge of anger realise you can take control. Train yourself not to make a fool of yourself. Allow yourself to heal, rather than to fester with inward anger.

Even though you now have anger under control, never allow yourself to be a victim. You are only a victim if you allow yourself to be one. An abuser cannot be allowed to continue because that is bad for you and bad for them. If they find abuse acceptable their personality will change into a ruthless and cruel character. The school