Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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that you no longer want to react in the same way. It is bad for the torturer and the victim. Eventually the torturer will hate themselves, and you, if you allow the victim mentality to continue you will be despised.

Remember there are only two human emotions – love and fear. If love isn't ruling your life, then fear is. Decide what you want to experience in life (love, peace and happiness) and head towards that experience. When you start to move away from fear and feel hope, you are finally heading toward the light.

Nothing plagues humans more than having an inferiority complex. This is why you allow yourself to become a victim in the first place. It's easier to allow a do-nothing situation than to start a change. Your feelings of inferiority have probably existed for as long as you have. Why let that continue?

Never see yourself as failing again. Control your mind. Practice finding peace and this will automatically induce success in your life. Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, cancel it immediately with a positive thought. Of course you can do it – surely you're as good as anyone else, and you are becoming a peaceful soul at the same time.

Depression leads to building up negative thoughts and imaginary obstacles. Why are you worried about what might happen? “Well the worst always happens.” Now that you are a peaceful soul, only the