Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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creating any happiness, you'll make another. Your harshest judge ultimately is yourself. I have no preference. That choice was obviously right for you at that time, but you'll learn how to make changes when they are necessary.

You are not powerless as you have been taught. The power of one is all that there is. The one is the all. When you realise that by hurting another you are only hurting yourself, by lying to another you are lying to yourself and by giving happiness to another you give it to yourself, only then can you leave your castle, and affect your world for the better. Knowing you are having a positive effect on the world will lead you towards losing your fear and back into a position of responsibility and the power of one.

If worry is a habit, so must be happiness. Your mind thinks in well-worn grooves that are learned from childhood upward. You learn from an early age how to please people to receive love, and how to spend money to feel happy. So can you learn how to stop worrying (fear) and how to start living (happiness)? How often does it happen, that you'll fuss and fret for days about making a right decision, and later look back and realise that it wasn't as difficult as you made it, and it worked out. Worrying, fussing and fretting does not help make a right decision. In fact, all they contribute to is cloudy decision making and exhaustion. Of course, what you really need to remember is who you are and to trust your instincts.