Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Look at people, particularly as they age, and they fall into two distinct personality types. The worriers who have deep lines etched between their eyebrows, and their more easy-going counterparts with smoother brows. Look at yourself in the mirror now and mentally assess how much of a worrier are you. You'll know.

Even if these lines are just developing, you need to stop them in their tracks. By admitting yourself to be a worrier, means that for you worry has become a habit. A bad habit. You have been ‘practicing’ worry.

What are you worried about? Look now within yourself. Your mind is probably saturated with negative thoughts. You are full of gloom and apprehension when you worry. Look at the situation you are creating through worry. “I'm worried about making a wrong decision”. The message you're giving out here is, “Decision – wrong”. By worrying, you are bringing about just the opposite of what you want. Rather than trusting your instincts and remembering who you are, you're renouncing your whole life purpose. You are proving to have no faith.

Faith is necessary to all of life. You have to have faith to get out of bed in the morning, to catch the train to work, to function at all. To be positive you must have faith. Faith that you can pass an exam. Faith that you can love others. Faith that you can do the job. Without some sort of faith you'd be dead. You would not even be able to wake