Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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up in the morning.

Building up this faith will overcome the worry habit and restore hope for you and all that depend on you. Hope is put into motion through faith. Everyone must have some measure of faith to function – work on building it up and you will reap the rewards.

Why am I always worried about everything ?
Think. You were not born a worrier. As mentioned above, it is learned the habit, a mental attitude taken from others. You have learned this bad habit over a lifetime. You can also learn to rid yourself of this habit, along with every other habit if you choose to. You can cast worry from your mind. Why waste so much of your energy and mindpower worrying?

Worry is useless. If it's worry about the past, how can you change it now? The past is gone. If it's about the future, worry won't solve it either – because it hasn’t happened yet. You can change your future, not through worrying about it, but by action. The rest of the time you're worrying about present matters. These will be sorted out, not through worry. but by taking responsibility and a positive attitude towards them. Stop dramatizing and enjoying this drama of life. Its time to change – now.

Worry is just a mindset, a habit that most humans seem enjoy. What greater drama is there than, “I'm worried to death about ....”, “I'm sick with worry about....”. Oh the drama from actually being sick