Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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and dying from it! Allowing worry to take total control of your life to the point where you feel you are powerless. Get a grip. What are you – people or mice? You are My body remember! Allow Me to help you to this realisation. Lean on Me initially in order to finally take control. You are Me. It's your choice.

How do I become an attractive personality ?
Everyone is affected by moods. Sometimes you are fearful and worried, at other times angry and resentful. How could a person ever have more happiness than trouble with this mindset?

To turn your life around from here, remember that your life is in your own hands. You alone control your own destiny and you can either sit in a corner feeling negative, bitter and sad or decide it is your time for some happiness. Why add the world's negativity – decide to spread positive thoughts and happiness.

Start to train your mind into cultivating joy. Why do you always have to be caught in the habit of fear and sadness? Make the change.
Think of the happy times you've allowed yourself to have and realise that if you were happy once you can be again I am God's body and underneath a loving, peaceful soul. Do not allow yourself to be a fearful, miserable person. Make another choice.

Always remind yourself of who you are. Practice relaxing your mind