Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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and body. Being at peace will allow your real personality to emerge.

Remember what's it's like to feel happiness. Most people have forgotten. They don't have the time. They're either at work, cooking dinner, looking after the kids or watching television. Get your peaceful mind back. Turn off the television for an hour. Walk out the door humming a song, do something for someone and bathe in their thanks, or just walk along a beach or in a park and watch a sunset. Feel what it's like to give yourself peace for a few minutes.

Know I am with you, as you are part of Me.


How do you finally break the worry habit, build up faith and hope in yourself and the future?


v Accept that worry is a habit. A learned habit. Do you now choose the worry habit or the happiness habit?

v The worry habit can become a sickness. The negativity of worry can only send your life downwards and out of control until sickness and listlessness is the result.

v By worrying you're creating the very situation that you dread -. “I worry about my child becoming a drug addict”. Thinking those thoughts, you are sending out that message. “My child – drug addict” You can instead create a nurturing environment for that