Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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child; just remember their destiny is up to them. Instead, think positively. Think “My recurring worry arises, child – happiness”. Whenever that

replace the word “drug addict” with “happiness”. For example, with exams or work replace, “I'm worried I'll fail in my exams/job” with “exams/job – succeed”. Every time the worry habit arises replace the negative word with the positive one. Thereby contribute to life's happiness not failure!!!

v Tidy up your act. Clean up and throw out your rubbish – literally. Have a clean and uncluttered environment in which to live. You will feel a huge burden lifted off your shoulders by doing this. Space gives you freedom. You will finally feel as though you can breathe and start again in a positive frame. Look at the reason behind your clutter and its link to past insecurity. Move on from here.

v Think of what you are worried about. According to case studies 40% of worries are about the past, 50% about the future and the remaining 10% are about now.

v The past you can't change – it's over. Why lock yourself physically and mentally into this wasted emotion. You need to practice letting it go. The realisation that you chose your past will