Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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106 4. Work

Let's look at five basic thoughts about work, and how these can be changed or added to, in order for work to become a happier part of life. Of course, work is a necessary part of this life; how can it become not only necessary but more pleasant and fulfilling.

1. You need to work to earn money in order to support yourself and your family.

You might feel you're being forced onto the work rollercoaster here, but you have to remember that no one does anything they don't want to do. You've made the choice to work, in order to support yourself and your family. Even if you work in a job you hate, realise it’s you who has chosen this situation. This is your present self. Eventually you can choose another definition of yourself. But remember this job is, at present, a statement of who you are. So after realising you've chosen it, learn to give/get, the most from it you can. From here you can learn to really like your job.

2. This work to provide money, should be fulfilling and make you happy.


So how do you give/get the most from your job, and how can you