Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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When your life becomes one long to-do list (a constant stream of engagements, seminars and events), and you're too busy to see friends, overload kicks in and you need to stop. An over-busy person quickly becomes a stressed and overtired person, whose life can spin out of control very fast. Life has become a stressful and a madcap existence.

If this happens, it’s time to stop, realise you have a choice, and start to hold down the control button. Life can easily become a mindless series of events. On it will go, with pressure arising from work, children, parents, study and partners. The treadmill will continue in this mindless way, until the body can no longer keep up the pace.

Stop! Know an over-busy person can very quickly become an exhausted and ill person. You need to think about, and reassess, your life. Who you are, what you need and where you're heading. You have to start to prioritise. You need to choose to slow down and bring balance back into life. Write down what changes need to be made, and start to make them. Either you choose the balance or your body will choose it for you. Your body yearns for more peace and rest, and you've got to think of ways to achieve this. You don't need to give up your life to get a life, you just need to rethink and rebalance it.

How do you cope in this conflict situation?


Realise firstly that nobody can give their best when they're straining