Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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and stressing every day. The person who works in the easiest and most relaxed manner will ultimately win the work war. That person gets the work done in the shortest time and the work will show the mark of skill. Bring peace into this situation. You only need to spend five minutes in the morning and afternoon reminding yourself who you are. “I am a peaceful soul who can control any situation. Easy does it.”

You do not need to press and strain. Take it all in your stride. You can handle the job. You know the work well and are competent to deal with it, therefore have no fear or nervousness about it. You are My body and I am with you, so how could you fail anyway? This will give you a secure feeling of peace and confidence to go about your business. You now have extra help in all areas of your life.

Don't take yourself so seriously. Lighten up! Everything and everyone is not totally dependent on you, even though you've convinced yourself that this is true. Stop taking the weight of the world upon your shoulders. Everything will go on without you even though you might not believe this now. If you died tomorrow would your company collapse? Forget it!

Be positive about your job. Stop fighting it and go with the flow. See the bright side of the work. Talk yourself into liking it and seeing it as a pleasure, rather than a drudge that you have to do. Eventually you might not even have to change your job if you can change your