Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Don't let yourself become swamped. This happens when you put off things. Decide to do each thing one at a time, in an orderly way, and eventually all of it will be done. Don't try do it all at once; no one can. Take it at a steady pace, prioritize each job and your efficiency will increase. I'm there to help as well.

Change your mental attitude. Think it is hard and it will be. Think it will be easy for you and you'll easily do it. Don't strain the brain! Think just about the work at hand, rather than adding to your brain load with stress and worry. Just go forward one job at a time now and you'll kick yourself for being so negative before.

Look closely for easier ways of doing things. Don't take worries home with you. Do the job the right way the first time and they'll be less problems further on. The right way is the easiest! Remember it's easier for you to keep everything up to date than carrying it around with you. Accumulated work makes you tired before you start and will affect your energy level. Don't drag old work around with you in your mind. Prioritise with lists for the week and stick to this schedule. You'll feel relieved, lighter, and things will go well with you at home and at work from now on.

How do I make important decisions ?
The small decision today maybe the one that comes back to haunt you tomorrow. Historical careers are often based on these seemingly small