Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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ultimately all up to you. As I have given you total free will, I have no preference.

Mostly you have chosen to forget this knowledge of who you are. Why would you want to face this fact, when it's much easier to live life totally in the dark?

Along the path of life you go! Pretending this is all there is and being blithely unaware. You're always so busy. There's school and parents – I'm off to a party with my first date, how could I possibly need to know anything else at the moment.

On you go! Then it's off for further education and to work. Wow! It's all such a busy and mind-blowing life, that there's no time to even scratch myself, let alone think about who I am or why I'm here?

Now I've got a life partner – it should last as we're totally suited and blissfully happy. It only takes a child to give my life total meaning and fulfillment. Life is good!

A baby, awesome stuff! I'm up helping all day and all night. My life is now devoted totally to this new life. We need more time – twenty-four hours in a day is not enough for everything. I need to provide a stable, caring environment and enough money to continue this lifestyle.

Suddenly, you're in your forties and fifties. It's impossible! Where did all those years go? I'm still at work, even though the kids have all left home, as I need to help them and myself as I'm getting