Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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older. I can keep up this relentless pace, even as I get older. I get better with age.

You're retiring next week. That'll be nice. Plenty of time to relax and take it easy. I can see old friends and do all those things I've always wanted to do. Help with the grandkids and renovate the house. It'll be great just not having to get up at six every morning.

You're in your sixties and seventies. It can't be, but I'm still fit and healthy. I've got plenty of good years in me yet. No need to ever feel sorry for me – I’m enjoying myself and I'll be around for a long time to come. Thank you very much.

What's happened? Suddenly in the midst of one of these life scenarios, a stilled voice rises, “Have you lived up to your potential? Is this what the meaning of life is? It must be, as everyone else is going through basically the same scenario.”

Do you believe that? Is the above all there is? You'll have to face this question sooner or later. Everyone does. Some end up with depression, the feeling that life has been useless and they feel lost.

This is when you must give yourself a silent moment, and finally see who you are. Be a seeker, and don't live in a fool's paradise which no one can sustain forever. Remember Me – God, that's who you are. I have told you many times through all religions that you are a being of light and energy. You are God in the flesh. Realise it and appreciate it. This is not religion, it is simply fact. The truth can be faced now or at