Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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not to make them grow weaker.

With this in mind, do not see another as disadvantaged in relation to you. They have chosen this path even though you might recognize it as wrong or weaker for them. Accept that they have chosen it and it's up to them to choose something else. They might not, in their whole lifetime, ever choose anything else but you cannot change this. It is ultimately their decision.

You get something out of every relationship you choose to experience, whether it’s happy or sad, good or not so good. Always remember, you need to put into any relationship what you can contribute, and this will in turn increase your growth. Whether that person is at present able to take this positive contribution from you is up to them.

To have a good relationship means coming from a base of love of self. Only if you value yourself and have high self worth can you love another. If you truly love yourself, only then can you sincerely love another as yourself. If you hate yourself, you'll be very needy in a relationship, and try and use that other person to fulfill yourself. This will lead to a clinging need for each other and ultimately destroy the relationship.

Don't think of doing what is best for the other, as this leads to self-sacrifice and ultimately resentment. Self-sacrifice leads to continued abuse by the other. You will be seen as a victim, and attract