Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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“You're always doing something wrong, well suffer for it”.


“I've got to smoke, I couldn't relax otherwise”, here comes breathing problems, lung disease and cancer.


“I love fatty foods, nothing beats fried food”, next stop heart disease and clogged arteries.

“I love my job. I'm there early and need to stay late and don't give myself much downtime. But beside the enjoyment, I need the money”. Move on in early heart attack, diabetes from eating on the run and lack of exercise.

“I feel resentful all the time. I try not to, but everyone expects too much of me. They all want more, more, more and debt just seems to be mounting. I'll never repay it all, and fear I'll go to the wall. Life's become an endless treadmill”. No one can continually defuse mounting pressure. Pressure always has to escape. Stream has to be let off somewhere. Where's it going to go?

“I'm always worried. I end up not even knowing why. I just feel fretful of some nameless fear”.


These fears will be internalised. You try to overcome these fears by indulging yourself. You have a new home, home entertainment center,