Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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2. Tips for boomers: Be spiritual elders, and don't blow your talents on golf.

Baby boomers need to see the possibilities of retirement. It's not just a time for golf, travel and coffee. It's a time of contribution not just to work, but to life.

Your constructive life does not need to end when you retire. Now is when you are needed, more than ever. Your talents and skills are required to increase not just your inner soul, but to become a mentor in helping others.

What will be the contribution that outlasts your physical body? When you look back over your life, it won't be how many years you've worked, or how many games of golf you've played. The time treasured will be time spent with family and friends, and your inner spiritual pursuit.

Ageing should not be about killing time until death, but accepting mortality, putting life right and cultivating the soul.

Death has to be faced eventually. Do it now or from behind a hospital door. If you cling to life without extended awareness, you're just dying longer, not living longer. Start with a life review, clean up your ego and examine your conscience.

All people look peaceful in death. Why is this? It's because you