Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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These are the words of a person who has had a near-death experience.


The intruder held the gun.


I was being washed down the river after a car accident


“Fear not, for I am with you”

In your moment of greatest tragedy, you will always know you are not alone. You and I are one. You will be able to reach deep within your soul, and feel this inner calm. Maybe you've never felt calm in your life before, but there is a deep well of peace always within you, waiting to be tapped. It's there, whether you know it or not.

In your darkest hour, within the shadow of death, you'll never walk alone. Life requires faith. Faith overcomes fear.
You have no choice. In your hour of tragedy, just when you feel death is about to strike, you will feel total calm. You won't feel any fear, you'll be struck by faith. Even if previously you had none. This faith will appear, and will overcome the fear.

Fear seems to have become a by-product of living in the twenty-first century. People feel strung up, tighter than a rubber band. They live in a noisy environment. The constant noise of traffic, sirens, aircraft, phones and more, all combine to fray the nerves. Add to this, real or perceived, pressures from work, family, friends, money problems, and