Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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it becomes a deadly combination. Stir in television and newspaper stories of possible increasing interest rates, falling job security, terrorism, and fear strikes at the core of a person.

Fear drains you of energy. It makes you constantly jittery and pessimistic. It is the opposite of love, and leads to conflict and turmoil within your life.

They only way to beat fear is to decide on inner peace. This inner sense of calm can be yours, without a tragedy having to bring it out. If you know you do have it within you anyway, why not live by it and strive to bring it out.

External forces of noise and conflict are stopping your external peace, but you are stopping your internal peace. Your mind needs to be renewed, and from there, your energy can be revitalized.

Negative thoughts keep running through your mind by day and night. By day, they lead you to wrong thinking and constant stress. By night, they lead you to lack of sleep. All combine into frustration and anger. You come to the conclusion that really there's nothing wrong with you physically, but mentally that's a different story. Unfortunately, if left to fester, these stressful thoughts start to attack the body as well as the mind.

Does hell exist?
Yes, hell exists in your own life when you allow it to exist. It is the worst possible outcome of your choices and decisions. It is denying