Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Me and consequently who you really are.

Don't deny Me and realise you are a peaceful soul and hell will no longer exist for you. It can only exist through ignorance and lack of knowledge.

Why would I create a place where you are burned forever because you made the wrong choice? I gave you free will to make mistakes and finally after many lifetimes realise who you are. Your mistakes are often made out of fear and ignorance and are just wrong choices. But you will torture yourselves enough for these mistakes without eternal damnation.

Only by a conscious choice can you set yourself free from your own choice of hell. I won't take revenge as you will choose to punish yourself in a far harder way than I would. Go easy on yourself and make a conscious effort to change and allow yourself to escape the hell of your choosing. If you do this, you will finally escape fear forever. Lead yourself from the darkness to the light. The light within and without is always burning.

How can life be less stressful?
Modern life. There must be something wrong when young people are in danger of committing suicide, middle-aged people are often in crisis and older people are so often isolated and depressed. Yes, doctors have tablets for all these situations but there must be