Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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something wrong when these situations can exist. What's the problem and how can it be remedied?

The motto here is that even if the situation can only be gradually altered, your thought pattern in relation to your life can be changed. Intend to change your life from the bottom upwards. Start small but always think big. The journey of a thousand miles started with one small step...

v Allow yourself to plan another hour of sleep a night. You mightn't think this is possible but it is. Try putting the children to sleep just half an hour earlier. Then you need your breathing space. But does this have to be mindlessly in front of the television or can it be in bed? You need to do extra office work at home – but couldn't you work towards a little extra sleep instead? By organizing yourself better at the office with an aim of doing less work at home, it will make the later evening a time of peace. In a busy lifestyle, sleep has become less and less. It seems now be a feeling of luxury to allow yourself more sleep, rather than necessity. But know that sleep relaxes and renews energy levels. It reconnects your body back to your source, which is Me. It's a necessity for your wellbeing to have more rather than less.

v Use your other form of relaxation beside sleep, that of meditation. Focus on relaxing your body, stilling your mind for five to ten