Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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minutes during the day, at night or in a morning. This can be done anywhere – on the bus, train or ferry, at work for a few minutes, while watching television with the sound down. Use the techniques in this book to relax your body while thinking of the most tranquil and peaceful scenes you remember from your life. Focus on these whenever you can throughout your day and by doing this you are allowing your life to change.

v Use My body wisely. Remember who you are and that you have free choice. There's no longer any need to live in fear. Realise you can take responsibility and make the choices you need for a peaceful life today.

v Don't pollute My body. Rather than constantly poison it, love it. Take steps toward a healthier and consequently happier lifestyle.

v Reconnect with Me. Know you are never alone and if you need extra help in any area of your life, you can make the decision to change and I'll be with you. To change, affirm with gratitude and appreciation that the change has already happened. Instead of asking for change, affirm the change has happened and be thankful. Know that changes are not just statements of what you want to be (wishful thinking). They are positive decisions on your part, that have happened and you are grateful for. People-power is