Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Create what you want, not what you don’t want.


v Experience


Your body now experiences what your mind has created and that life is now lived.

Examine your life. You started as a perfect being, full of light and love. How could I create anything else? So what have you become? How have you used your free choice?

Nobody in a human body can live a perfect life. If you were living a perfect life, you wouldn't now be in a body. You need to decide what you do want to experience in life. What are your choices going to be?

Everyone's main life choice would be happiness. What does happiness involve? Is happiness a new car, a better house or a good job?

The main secret of happiness is balance. The body strives for balance. If there is too much acid in the system, problems result. The body strives for a balance of acid and alkali. Fruit, vegetables and roughage aid in the balance. If the body is striving for balance, so must be the soul. But is it as easy to balance the soul as it is the body?

Balancing the soul requires peace and positivity. It is more challenging than just eating a balanced diet, but necessary if life is to