Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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be lived in harmony. All kinds of thoughts and situations arise every day to unbalance the soul. The frustration of balancing work and job, relationships, constant noise and pollution, all seek to unbalance. But, you have chosen all of this, and you must seek the balance within that choice. It's hard sometimes, but a powerful being such as yourself can do it.

But if I think my life into being why is it always negative? Why don't the good things happen to me?
You have chosen the circumstances of your life. From who your parents are, to who you become. Only if you accept this basic premise can you then be prepared for change.

But how could I chose my own parents?
Know this isn't your first lifetime. You have been here many times before. Hundreds in fact. You choose the necessary setting for the next learning experience that is life. Maybe this time you have chosen a hard road of foster homes or parents that you have no empathy for. Once you realise you have decided on this, your attitude will change towards them. No longer will you feel you are a random victim of fate. You can then become the master of your own fate.

Your early childhood might not have been perfect. When you see it as a learning experience, that is in the past and the future doesn't have to follow the same pattern, then you can start to master the