Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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situation. Why do you always have to choose the low energy, negative way? Choose the high energy, positive way.

Why is the world so imperfect?
The world started in total balance. All things were beautiful and in harmony. At that stage even if humans wanted more food, more land, the balance could still be maintained. There was enough food and land to fulfill all desires. You had everything you needed for life. You and nature were in balance.

But things were about to change. You had free will and chose to create a more challenging environment for yourself. How could you experience the physical when it was so much like the ethereal? Things had to change and imperfections came into being.

Firstly you chose death. If the physical plane was to be so different and challenging you would need a rest, which meant returning to Me. Knowing this lifetime is limited brings out wisdom and a more compassionate side. Only then could you remember who you really are and be able to return for another lifetime refreshed. Your life cannot be solely based on the physical or the build-up of possessions, as eventually all these must be lost. No one can hold onto money or good looks forever. This is one of life's greatest lessons. All things must be lost for other knowledge to be found. In the end there's just Me. The challenge is to remember who you are in the physical as well