Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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as the ethereal.

Secondly you chose war and suffering. This was to be your greatest challenge. You chose dictators and allowed them to exist by fostering conditions that were conducive to them. There are enough resources for all, but only the rich are given access to them. Know that the world's population cannot rise unchecked or else this will not be the case. Pollution cannot go unchecked as large uninhabitable areas will arise. You are choosing a slow but sure death for your planet. Overcoming aggression, hatred and greed on the physical plane can halt this eventuality. If you remember who you are you can overcome these, but it would take many lifetimes of pain and suffering for you to do this. Choose to change to soul consciousness before it is too late.

Finally, you chose to base your life around the negatives. Greed was chosen instead of happiness. You tell yourselves money is the root of all evil. But in order to lead a happy and comfortable life in your society, some money is necessary. Money is not inherently evil. It can be used to help people and change lives for the better. Enjoy your work and enjoy the rewards from this work. But remember to share the rewards and keep your life in balance. It's joyful to have abundance and be able to give to others in need.

Though remember, too much abundance creates imbalances, whereby half the world is on a diet and the other half is starving. How good do you feel when you help someone in need? If a person asks for assistance they need it, and you are helping them on their soul's