Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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journey. Remember your soul doesn't care what you do for a living, and when your life is over, neither will you.

Money in this world has become all important, being the substitute for love and happiness. If you can't achieve them on your own, you try and buy them. You always equate the most expensive item (the double quilted, layered inner spring mattress worth $4000 is perceived as better than the simple mattress worth $500) as giving you more happiness and therefore greater love over the lifetime of the item. The extra love from your family for this purchase means greater happiness. You base the world's economies on this premise.

Is life ever random? Do accidents happen?
No, nothing happens accidentally. Your soul chooses all you want to experience necessary for its continual growth – A phone call, bumping into a friend – you call these coincidences but all are necessary for your continual expansion.

Never imagine a person encounters life's challenges by accident. A person on the street in dirty clothes, homeless, and on drugs/alcohol. It would be impossible to make that choice surely? Remember you could have made the same choice in another lifetime. When that person is ready to make another choice, they will. It mightn't happen in this lifetime, but when they're no longer expanding from this choice, then they will be ready to change and can once again take control of their life.