Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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A person who you call handicapped (old, infirm, paraplegic, autistic for example), may be in the process of reaching, or have reached, their full potential without your knowledge. All things are seen from a worldly perspective of power/non-power that is a false judgment tool within the soul's overall journey.

You select opportunities as potential.
the people, places and events, obstacles and the base from which to fulfill your unlimited

So bless every condition and experience because all is perfect for you now and chosen by you.

How can happiness be achieved?
Happiness is something that people actively pursue. In fact, “the pursuit of happiness” was written by Thomas Jefferson, into the US Bill of Rights as “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Okay, if it needs to be pursued, how do I actually do this?

Look to simple cultures and young children. How do they go about this pursuit? They have none of the multi-layered issues a more sophisticated society builds up, so what does happiness mean to them? The word “happiness” to them equates to peace and contentment. Provided the sun comes up in the morning, and they are not hungry or in pain, there's always joy and contentment. You never doubt you are one with Me, and one with each other. There is no meaning of life to