Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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be sought, or pursuing of happiness. Happiness just is.
As children age, and simple cultures become more complex, the base of knowing becomes lost. People start to forget who they really are, and begin to question their existence. After all, the pursuit of happiness is really only the remembering of the one. Separation leads to the need for a pursuit. But realisation ends it.

Happiness and modern culture create conflict. The happiness that people pursue is instant, shallow and individual. People tend to become obsessed with what they've got, rather than who they are. To them, happiness will come with success, through drugs, through materialistic toys such as a new car, or through a family life. “Capitalism can make you well off. But it leaves you to be as unhappy as you choose. To ask more would be too much”, declares The Economist, in examining world economic growth. The conclusion being that the feeling of well-being is not linked to increasing economic standards.

How is this problem to be solved? Education is the key. The only way to real happiness lies in more education, through examining yourself and your life. In you delve, going over every minute aspect of your life and asking the deep questions such as, “Who am I and what do I want out of life?” Is education really the key?

The real key is choice. The act of wanting happiness pushes it away from you, but choosing happiness brings it to you. You first