Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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have to know what it is and what it involves. Is it love? Is it companionship? Is it a peaceful confidence within yourself? Yes, a combination of these that leads to balance and through that balance, peace is achieved. A peaceful soul is a contented soul and a loved soul. This is the secret of life.

Well what is peace? Staring at your navel for hours? Sitting down and watching television? Staying at home when there's things to do?

Peace is the missing ingredient in modern life. It can be found in the noisiest room or sitting beside a quiet lake. It can be part of the busiest life if you choose it to be. It calms the soul and quietens the waves of life. It will start from within and gradually come out. Don't go without it!

How is long-lasting happiness possible in this world?
Lasting happiness can only start on an individual level. You cannot change others or the outside world. Seek to change yourself and your reactions to things and situations outside yourself.

To have a happy life choose a peaceful mind that will lead to a relaxed body and peaceful soul. Allow yourself moments of peace in your life. Escape from the constant distractions and noise and take those five minutes night and morning for yourself. The family will soon join in when they realise how your life is changing. Relax your body and allow your mind to focus on scenes of tranquility and