Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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thoughts of yourself as a peaceful heavenly soul. Realise you can be the loving person you always wanted to be and what greater joy can there be in life than this?

Know that you are always in the process of creating. You create all events, circumstances, and conditions of your life. Being My body you are all powerful to create the life you want. There are no victims in this life, only people who choose to be so. If you don't like the choices you are making and it's no longer who you are, choose to make a different choice. Accept responsibility for this choice, realise it's now wrong for you and choose another road. If you think something or someone is controlling your life (fate, destiny) you will never change. When you can say “I did this”, only then is change possible. Know there is only one reason to do anything in this life and that is to reflect who you are and who you want to be. If your life doesn't reflect this, alter things now.

I want you to lead a comfortable life but asking for fame and money, which is what we all think we want in this life, may not be what your soul has chosen your body to have. Make higher choices, of lives without drama that exude peace and all else will follow. This is happiness.

As soon as you realise happiness and love come from within and not without, you can break the constant greed cycle. You can enjoy having money, but not basing your whole life on the thirst for money