Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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What can you do to increase your ability to still function and cope?


Change your mindset.

You are handling this totally on your own. No wonder you can't cope. Lift the heavy burden from your shoulders. Allow your unseen partner to come onboard to help you. Why do all of this alone?

Life has been made increasingly complex. You have all decided on this. Increasing technology was supposed to ease your burden. It has given you mobile phones to keep in touch twenty-four hours a day. Fax, email, electronic organisers, dairies. A person never has to be far from the action. Your life can be planned perfectly, with every minute accounted for. Does all of this really give you more leisure time, or make you feel more driven?

Know that you decide on what you want in this life. You have all decided on a faster-paced lifestyle. Know you have ultimate responsibility for this. Do you want it or not? It's your choice. I have no preference. If you want it, I'm there and conversely if you don't want it I'm there as well. We are one, so even if you don't yet know it, you are Me and I'm your unseen partner in this.

Accept this and unburden yourself. Faith is everything. Give yourself some time and space to unburden yourself. Allow faith to become involved.