Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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back home, often to even more stressful situations. Turn the television on to settle things back down! Put on music to calm down! You need a nice relaxing beer or wine to accompany the meal to really feel settled.

It's now off to bed for yet another fitful sleep, where you're going to wake up feeling wrung out and tired tomorrow before you even start.

And so life continues with more of the same. Is this how you choose your life to be or is there another choice you can make?

You've tried everything to overcome these feelings and so far haven't been able to do so. Having money, a stable partner, children and a fulfilling job isn't necessarily going to give you a positive and peaceful mind. How many people, who appear to have it all, suddenly display cracks in their armor and suddenly all the old problems again come flooding through? Just when you thought they had been plastered up and would be hidden for life, you suddenly realise cement can't conceal problems forever. Seepage will always occur. So how do you stop the flood?

Do you want to continue with this only half-functioning mind and body? Life can continue interminably with your same mindset and stressed body. Eventually your mind and body will suffer illness. But you have to go on! Everyone is depending on you and there is no other way. You have no choice but to continue.