Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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suffering and needless grief. This resistance will eventually lead to behavioral problems within that person. At one end of the scale these problems appear as addiction, while at the other end they appear as apparently milder personality problems. Both have the same root cause. The result depends on how each individual reacts to a certain trigger.

Why does God want me to be ill ?
I don't. Know this. I want you to have nothing but joy, love and peace in your life. Exactly what you want for yourself. But do you want this? You think you do, but you have chosen illness over health. Think about this. How could it be so? How could you choose to die from cancer? Dig deep into your soul for this answer.

Why does your soul need this suffering to overcome ?
Know you can choose to be healed. Healing takes place every day, but it's only when the soul chooses to live and be positive that it can take place. The further you progress in your learning, the more you realise that suffering in your life is not necessary. You can ask to be healed. When you believe, and use gratitude with a true heart and positive spirit, the healing will happen. Your whole attitude has to be positive for this to happen.

Human beings allow illness to take place in their lifestyle choices. City dwellers live in a lead-polluted environment. They drink