Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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water containing poisons and eat food containing the same thing. This is your choice and of course, you suffer for this. You smoke cigarettes and live in high stress situations. That is why so many people are sick.

Make different choices and move on with positive thoughts towards yourself and others. Choose healing and allow it to take place.

But I am a terrible person full of anger and hatred
Know your real nature. Why do all humans when asked what they want reply with a car, house, partner, better job etc. This is what you think you want, but all you really want is happiness and love. Why do you all want the same thing worldwide? Because this is your true nature, though you don't always remember. That's it. All these ideas you only need to remember. They are already tucked away inside you, ready, willing, and able to come out. With contentment and knowledge, comes peace from within.

Remember you are a being of light and energy. You are God in the flesh. Appreciate yourself. Remember you are unique as an individual. Your real nature is one of inner beauty. You have forgotten to appreciate yourself and have lost all love for yourself. Nothing happens to you, or through you, that is not your choice. Learn to forgive yourself for the past and choose a positive future – move forward.

As you are pure energy, you must choose to be either high energy