Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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or low energy. Of course you want to run on high energy which creates positivity and contentment. If you choose to function on low energy levels, you choose negative qualities such as anger, hatred, and pride. If these factors are predominant in your life, grief will always overtake you.

Only through functioning on high energy levels will happiness and the true ability to take control of your life happen. Life is not random as most people believe – you just allow it be so. You can choose to run on high energy and take control. Remember you are not alone and are Me in a bodily form, so don't limit yourself – take control.

What pushes your buttons ?
An uneven power base has probably developed over many years – this could be caused by someone within your family from childhood. The unresolved problem then spills over into negative frustrations, and the same situation develops within all your subsequent relationships.

You have learned to be a victim
Here you must realise that no matter how many times you relax each day with the learned exercise, this situation will not change on its own. The power base has manifested itself over such a long period that only a selfish, conscious step on your part can change it.

It is totally selfish on your part to allow the negative ‘victim’