Faith Finders by EL Howard - HTML preview

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5. Faith to know what you want

–    Aligning your conscious thoughts with your subconscious thoughts

As only 5% of your thoughts are conscious and these are so often a jumbled mess, what happens to the other 95%? The reality is that what you really want, is often so hidden in your subconscious, that unless you are a person very in-tune with yourself, you don't even know what you want.

That's why you think you want to eat, when really you're only thirsty. Overeating has become a habit – a bad habit. How often do you find yourself with a chocolate in your mouth and before you know it you've eaten the whole box. You didn't mean it, it was just automatic. You're always thinking that you're going on a diet, but subconsciously you're thinking, “I love food”. So your subconscious and conscious thoughts never align. This becomes the pattern of your life on all issues. So how do you create harmony and alignment?

a. Decide what you really do want. b. Plainly state it.

c. Your conscious thinks in past and future time, whereas your subconscious is only now. So keep what you want in the now.

d. You have to overcome your set beliefs.

“But all I really want is money. All my problems stem from the lack of it. I could have a  great house and lifestyle that would make me happy”. This is your conscious mind thinking here. Underneath in your subconscious mind you are negating these thoughts. “You've never been able to hold onto money in your life. You're heavily in debt and can't think of how to get out of it”. You've never thought further than this. So there's a major conflict happening here and the debts have become your main subconscious belief.

Conscious mind – I want money and to be rich. Subconscious mind – You'll always be in debt and broke.

This is why you have no money. You visualize the money and try to believe in it, but always underneath you have this set belief. Clearly to change, your beliefs must also change. So how do you do this?

–    Change your habits

It takes 21 days to form a habit. That habit of debt, you've had for most of your life. Ok so now you've got 21 days to decide on a new habit of thrift. Consolidate your debts and rebuild your assets gradually. No you don't need that new car now – it will be a reward later. At least from this new savings habit, your subconscious can be remoulded to gradually realize, “I can have and enjoy money”. That month (21 days) could change your life.

By changing your thoughts about money, your underlying beliefs will change, when you know you can develop good money habits. Then your belief will gradually become, “I'm good at managing my money”. This leads to knowing what you want and being able to bring it about.

–    To know what you want must come from a peaceful mind base

Isaac Newton was at a low point in his life. He felt a failure, as he hadn't amounted to much. He wanted to further human knowledge, but didn't know how to do it. He was sitting and walking around tearing his hair out to come up with an answer. One day he just walked out into the quiet of his garden and sat under an apple tree. “If only I knew what to do with my life. If only I could think clearly”. Suddenly an apple dropped on his head. His eureka moment. This was his desire of desires – to prove gravity existed. Stop all your doing like Newton did, and just allow yourself to think. Only then will the answer of what you really want come to you.

Pure clarity comes from a clear and focused mind. This is aided through the pathway of meditation. One study took a group of people in high-stress jobs, who were taught to meditate for eight weeks. After this time they could look with increased detachment at their jobs, instead of just looking through a tired and stressed mind. They even started to remember why they liked their job initially. They felt happier more often. The increased detachment allowed them to step back from upsets, deal with them and then let them go.

To foster this peaceful place within, requires seeing the bigger picture. You now know you're not alone in deciding what you really want in life. Maybe you have what you want right now but don't know it. You know We are one so ask for help now to a bigger life. When you know your choice for a happier life, it'll be there. Maybe your job is the right one – if you can see it as more than a pay check it is.

Maybe your relationship is the right one as well – if you can see it as a positive haven to rest the mind body and spirit it is.

Keep pursuing your goals but remember to enjoy the journey. The journey is the greatest time. It's not the end result that is ultimately remembered.

–    When deciding what you want choose fearlessly

Studies show people regret not having done things, more than they regret failure. At least failure took courage rather than not trying at all. It's inertia that leads to a coward's life.

Fear strangles us. Don't be afraid to go out on a limb occasionally. Now and then take a deep breath and bite off more than you can chew. Only then can you walk forward onto that bigger picture of life.

You have the power to do this – hidden powers that we all possess. Energy, endurance, skill, creativity and sound judgment come into play here. Once the momentum starts you can only keep going and unless you're hopelessly unqualified you'll deliver.

Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.

To prove you're not alone here use the power of synchronicity.  For a month write down all events that aid you in fulfilling your goals. Often these are things that would before have been put down to coincidence. You'll realize quickly that you've taken on that unseen partner and are being helped to know what you want and to achieve your goals.

The only thing stopping you here is negativity. Just leap and have faith. My eureka moment came when I became a writer. Choosing this journey (or was I chosen?) was definitely an optimistic leap of faith. How could someone write 100,000+ words on a given subject and expect this to be read and enjoyed by a large number of people? How can authors ever overcome the pessimistic bias of publishers to only publish proven work? You have to have belief in yourself, that you have something to tell and contribute and faith that the end product will be read, enjoyed and make a difference to people's lives.

Whatever you decide you really want, you have to realize that we all need love, work and a connection to something larger in our life, to create balance and lasting happiness. So you will inevitably decide you really want all three. Balance in these three areas has been the missing ingredient in your life up to now.

“A connection to something larger in your life” of course, is knowing Me and how you are part of Me. You know you already have this connection. You'll find it in that still small voice within you, in that hidden sanctuary you keep inside to refresh your spirit and as the latent reserve of strength you can tap into when necessary. Know that I want for you only happiness and fulfillment of all your desires.

You think these desires are a “house, car and money” and that when these are fulfilled you will be happy. Is this the case? No. Ultimately you'll realize that love and a calling give you the “house, car and money” anyway, and that these are what provide the happiness that all crave.

A calling includes work, hobbies and interests so never finishes at any age. A calling is just giving back. You will feel a lot more fulfilled at work if you feel it is more than just a pay check. A purpose in life can come from work, but it can also come from outside, such as helping others, singing in a choir, visiting a neighbor etc.

Scientists at the University of Bonn, Germany pitted pairs of men against each other in a series of games, promising to pay them according to their performance. When the men identified and counted dots on the screen correctly, enhanced activity in the ventral striatum (the brain's reward center), appeared on their brain scans. Participants who got more money than their co-workers, showed stronger activation in their “reward center” than when they both received the same amount.

What was fascinating, Professor Hall said, was that the effect of having more, was not as strong as having less.

Realize therefore, that a ceiling cut off point does exist with “money, house and car”.  After a certain amount of money is reached,  less and less happiness is derived.

Therefore you must wish for a balance of love, work and spirituality. You are automatically connected to Me, so make use of that connection. Concentrate on the calling at work or outside it and focus on love.

As for love, if you make time for fulfilling activities and friends, you will begin to receive all the love you need in spades. Work on yourself here. Stop worrying and obsessing about trivialities and work on solving any problems and then getting over them. Even bigger issues, with time and distance come to be solved eventually.

Decide what you want now, choose it and sit back while We both make it happen. Just wait from your position of peace, and it will. Then live the life you've always wanted to live. And know that this is what you want and I want. Therefore the choice you made, must be the right one. Take the time from now on and enjoy your choice.