Faith Finders by EL Howard - HTML preview

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6. Faith to receive this abundance

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

At last you're beginning to understand that nothing arbitrarily happens to you. You're choosing your life every second of the day, through the vast resources of your unconscious mind. Nothing happens to you that you haven't already chosen – so it's impossible for you to be a victim of life – you just need more practice at creating the life you want.

Look at your life objectively now. What do you see - your health, work, relationships, money, where you go and what you do. This all is an accurate picture of what you believe you deserve. This is your subconscious on full view for you to see. Do you like what you see? Maybe you hate all aspects of this private viewing or only some.

What do you see? Is it total lack in all areas? You're always sick. You don't seem to ever fully recover and you're tired all the time. Your belief here is, “There's never enough time. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get on top of things. I'm always left struggling to cope”.

The belief are you holding here is. “There's a lack in my life in many areas

– time, money and good health. I just can't cope. What can I do though?”

You've got to understand that the problem here lies in, “I can't cope, my life's out of control”.  Now you know the consequences of these beliefs, you've got to alter your thought patterns. You've got to not be a victim of your existing unconscious habits laid down over a lifetime. Even if you are thinking, “When the kids grow up I'll have more time, when I retire I'll have less stress”, these are all someday scenarios. Remember your subconscious only thinks in the now, so someday doesn't even exist except in your conscious mind. Without aligning with your subconscious, you'll always be trapped in the same, “can't cope – maybe someday I can” scenario.

Is this what you want? Of course not. Well, you've got to firmly take the reins here, or else the horse will have bolted with your life. You've got to have faith that you can accept control of your life.

When you look at the whole, you can then understand what your beliefs are and whether or not they are serving you. If they are not and you're not living the life you want, then you know you must alter your life and make changes in your beliefs and subsequent habits to bring these about.

Your beliefs are now:

–    I'm not a good parent/employee/lover/friend

–    I can't cope with what life throws at me

–    I've always been an underachiever

–    I have no university education

–    I just go along and accept, “whatever will be will be”. If it swamps me, well what else can I do?

–    My health will never improve, I'm sick a lot and the doctors tell me not to expect any great improvement

–    I have friends, but everyone is so busy that we don't see each other much

–    I have my family, but I can't help but think they're an added burden sometimes as they expect so much of me.

–    Work and what's expected there, often leaves me feeling helpless.

–    What's retirement going to be like as I definitely don't have enough money without working.

If most or all these life patterns match your state of mind at present, these are therefore the underlying beliefs of your life. If you're happy with what you see, don't do anything about it. If you are not, there's work to be done!

These beliefs and consequent habits guide your life everyday. They often stem from childhood. Do you remember little love or giving in your house? A harsh parent who often said, “You'll never amount to anything”. A childhood full of bullying where you began to think, “I'm ugly, I don't deserve happiness”. This then has become your automatic blueprint for life that you continue to practice.

These are the fears that you hold in your subconscious, that are stopping any real change from happening. These are the fears cushioning you from any disappointment. Well you can't fall any further can you? But then you can't rise any higher either. To overcome them there's going to be resistance built up over a lifetime. You'll keep trying to rationalize the fact that you're not ugly, that you're worthy of receiving good things. But until you've changed your beliefs and start leaping in and practicing these new life patterns, you'll always end up in the same rut.

Remember it takes 21 days to form a new belief. Well you need that same amount of time to make new beliefs for yourself and start changing the old ones. It's going to mean work for you to reprogram your brain, but the subsequent rewards will be huge.

How much self-belief do must people start with? Usually not much. Not many people have been brought up in the perfect family set up. But anyone can give themselves a better chance in life, provided they want to and are prepared to work on themselves. You need here a new blueprint for your life. When you understand that I want to provide for you the life you dream of, then you will have a new impetus to be clear on what you really want. This will give you the incentive you need to work on change.

Let's look at some new beliefs that will provide abundance for you and those around you. These are beliefs that few people start out having. All question themselves and need to know they are not alone in creating their new life. You are an all powerful being who can first visualize and then start to  practice exactly what you want.

These are your new positive beliefs:

–    I'm a capable person able to make responsible decisions in my life

–    I'm an attractive person able to change their life

–    I am never alone and am an all-powerful force

–    I'm worthing of receiving and giving love

–    I'm a creative person

–    I have abundance in my life in all areas

–    I deserve abundance, love and prosperity

–    My job is a calling and I provide excellently for my family and myself in retirement

–    My energy levels are high, creating good health

–    My life is abundant in all areas - my health, wealth and happiness is overflowing

Let these new beliefs saturate your conscious and from there into your subconscious. Give yourself time and patience to allow these into your life and for changes to become evident. Nothing happens without time and work on your part. You must work on these affirmations until you notice changes arising from them.

As your conscious brain loses focus every six seconds, you've allowed yourself to become a sleepwalker in your life. Your subconscious never loses focus. It remembers and acts on every thoughts you've ever had – even if you don't remember that thought yourself. That's why your affirmations need to be:

–    written down so you can concentrate and read them all the time.

–    You need to meditate on these thoughts. Just relax your body and concentrate on your breathing – in and out. Just continue to relax. Initially random thoughts will flood your mind, but don't give up. Start with five minutes and build up from there.  Just continue to relax and concentrate and each time you try to meditate you'll get better at it. Meditation aids focus on each of these new ideas.

–    Practice. This is where the work comes in. Continue to practice meditation in order to focus your brain. Also concentrate on each new belief that you want to have. If any negative thoughts enter your mind, just continue to drain that thought and refocus on the positive. Read each affirmation and visualize it as a moving picture show inside your head. Practice makes perfect.

–    Know you're not alone in making all these changes. Lean on me for help.

If you can't believe how powerful you are and that you can do this, I'll show you that you can. It might be a coincidence that happens, or some small encouragement from a friend, but we're together on this. I want what you want for yourself. Only the best.

When you start to see that all the practice is working, your life will be very different. You've just got to believe you are a person worthy of receiving all the love and happiness you crave. Faith is what will finally allow you to receive this abundance.