First Date King: The Dating Guide That Will Change Your Life by Adrian Gemen - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven: The Key To Pick-Ups


I have a brother who's in advertising - more specifically he writes newspaper and magazine ad copy. I once watched him at work, and he sat for about three hours and then wrote one sentence!

 One sentence!

I asked him why he took so long on one sentence and his answer stuck with me: It's that first sentence that determines whether they even read the rest of the ad!

Look at meeting women like an ad man who's writing copy for a newspaper ad. Maybe one out of a hundred readers is actively looking for the product you are trying to sell, and they will read your whole ad no matter what the headline says.

The rest of the readers could care less. They are busy flipping pages, trying to get to the comics section or the sports page. They will only stop if something grabs their attention.

So it is with the average chick. In a few lucky situations, your looks alone will snag her. But the rest of the time you won't have much chance of selling your product unless you grab her attention and grab it fast. (I know, you want to grab something else, but that comes later. Animal.)

Below are some of the best ways to grab a girl's attention. Keep them in mind as

you read the next few chapters.

  • Humor
  • Appealing to her curiosity
  • Putting an unusual or unexpected twist on an old, cliche pick-up
  • Role playing
  • Faking like you already know her