First Date King: The Dating Guide That Will Change Your Life by Adrian Gemen - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine: How To Talk To Women


 It's said that only one man from ten dares to talk to an unknown woman who he thinks that is attractive.The big mistake of the nine men is the fact that they are afraid of rejection.When you see an interesting girl,talk to her.Don't try to use stupid resorts like "How are you,my little butterfly?" or "I want to meet you,my honey doll" .

 It is easier to be original.

 If she eats a sandwich,ask her to give you a part from it without shame.

 The good thing is that this gesture,who firstly looks unpolite,has an opposite effect.

 Not instantly,but pretty fast.

 In fact,this kind of attitude makes her wanna know who you are and why you are different from all the guys she met.

Who dare to ask for sandwich with this kind of pluck?

 The ideea is that any original pick-up can be tried as long as you believe in yourself and as long as you don't scary or make her cry.

 So,any conversation is a way of communication.If you open your mouth and tell something,maybe she will open her mouth and tell another thing which will help you to continue the conversation.

 If you don't say anything probably she won't say anything.

 Apparently,talking to a girl looks easy.In the first phase,it is like that.But,later,you can realize that girl who you aroused to talk is your wife now.

 Any man who knew his big love was firstly forced to talk to her.I hope you will understand this.

 Also,you should know that the missed opportunities rarely reappear.

 Not because there aren't enough girls in the world,but from two simple reasons.

 Firstly,another men will consider a girl as interesting as you and they might be more courageous.

 Secondly,when you are afraid to talk to a girl,you automatically "train" yourself to be afraid also in the future.

When I first met one particular girl, I took her hand when she got into the car and held it for a few seconds... then took it away saying "No hand holding this early" as if it were her idea... then at lunch, I put out my hand for her to take it, and then when she went to take it, I moved it before she touched me... then did it again... and again saying "No, really..."

Finally, after the meal was finished, I reached out for her hand, and she wouldn't take mine because I had teased her so much, so I actually grabbed her hand and held it and massaged it. This was teasing and teasing. And then when she finally gave up I gave it to her.

Then, when I gave her a hug later on, she kissed my on the cheek/neck a couple of and I accused her of kissing me a lot etc. (Idea is that she's into me and she's the aggressor). One part of this is me doing something (holding her hand) and then accusing her of doing it ("no hand holding this early").

This kind of behavior, sending mixed messages, and flirting doesn't really make sense to most men, but to women it's magic.

Also, some women really get intrigued if you 'figure them out' early on in the game and have their number... and then just 'laugh at how cute they are' when they do things. This gets them all freaked out, as they feel like you're in control and they don't know what to do next... like you know all the games they're playing and won't fall for any of their old tricks... this makes them nervous as they don't have any POWER OR AMMO!

They love this, as men are hardly ever in control. And they secretly want someone who is. (It's VERY important not to become the 'friend/therapist' with this information... and start kissing their ass! The idea is to use it to bust on them, not to be understanding.)

I also tell women early on that I think that they'll make a nice 'friend.'.

It's funny to see how the friendship frame works with them, because this gets them thinking, often for the first time "Wow, maybe I just found a man that is smarter than me, knows my little games, and HE has higher standards than ME for once... and now he's talking about being 'just friends!' Oh no! Doesn't he like me? Doesn't he want me like all the other guys?" A key here is to always keep them guessing... never get too into them or they'll get right into their old games, etc.

Another interesting observation that I've made is that women onlybunderstand CODE, not direct language.

Little boys tease little girls when they’re 8, and women still love it when they’re 28 and 48. I like to find something about them that they're just a little insecure about, and make fun of it in a way so they don’t know if I'm serious.

The metaphor that I use is that women are like the Enigma machines on Russian submarines. These machines were able to transmit messages to each other, but also able to change the codes they used each time. Women are much more interested in giving and getting subtle hints.

If you say to a woman "I really like you" it won't be as effective as saying to them "You really like me" in a teasing way. Do you understand?

I speak in metaphor and story, talk about feelings and longings, speak code, and try to never speak directly.

Let me give you a few more examples:

If you want to have sex with a woman, you could say "Hey, why don't we have sex?" Go ahead and try that one sometime and let me know how it works for you.

Or, you could try this... Next time you're alone with a new woman, stand up, take their hand, and pull them up to their feet. Then give them a hug, let go, and sit back down. After she sits again, say "I just wanted to hug you." Then, later hug her again and cuddle with her. While cuddling, smell her neck and tell her how good she smells... and don't stop. Within a few minutes she'll be telling you how hot she's getting.

Two different paths to the same outcome. It's just that one happens to work about a hundred times better than the other. Men like to go out hoping to 'get laid.' Women like the idea of being swept away by the moment… especially when it’s a taboo thing and they shouldn’t be doing it, etc. The more unplanned things seem, the better. For instance, she happens to wind up in my your bedroom and you happen to be massaging her, smelling her, etc. it’s seen as ‘meant to be’ or something that happened in an unplanned romantic way, and therefore a good thing to get swept away by.

If you want to increase your chances of success with women, create situations that lead to these situations. Ask yourself, "What situation would facilitate the outcome that I’m looking for naturally?"

Remember that women like to be swept away by the moment, they don't like to think that they're being used.

Another fun thing I do to demonstrate to women that I'm savvy and know the language is to interpret gestures and expressions and then comment back as if they had said something.

So for instance, if a woman looks at someone walking by and then wrinkles up her nose and gets that "Gross" look on her face, I might respond with "That's what I was thinking."

Get it? I'm pretending like she actually said "Gross" to me.

Or if a woman takes my hand, I might say "Oh, really?"

I'm pretending like she said "I'm attracted to you."

Women are very expressive with their body language and facial expressions, but they often express themselves in very subtle ways.

If you can tune into these little cues, let them know that you're tuned, and then respond with fun remarks that show you're clued in, you'll be rewarded. (Notice: Do not start ACTING like a woman now that you know this. This technique is to be used sparingly and only to let a woman 'know that you know' and not as your main approach to women. Many men make the mistake of learning how women act, then IMITATING them all the time. This is not what you want to do, trust me).