First Date King: The Dating Guide That Will Change Your Life by Adrian Gemen - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirteen: Getting The Date & How to invite a woman out


OK, let's say you've managed to pick-up a more than passable bimbo. Where do you go from there?

Basically, there are two schools of thought. One school suggests getting her home phone number, waiting a few days to a week, and then calling her for a date.

The other advocates trying to get her to go out with you right then and there, the sooner the better. If you can't get a date with her that evening, you make a date for another time, right on the spot.

I've had both methods work for me, and there are certainly advantages to each.

Personally I prefer the on the spot date method. Here's why.

Lots of girls who have nothing otherwise planned will go out with you that night if you make the pitch exciting enough. True, you'd probably like to be with a woman who has more interest in you, but then again we're going to show you techniques to make one of these "got nothing better to do" girls eager to sack with you regardless of their original intentions.

Also, there is something very exciting about going out with a stranger that you just met. It's an air of "anything could happen" that strongly helps to alter a girls mood and make her susceptible to doing things she normally wouldn't.

By way of contrast if you get her home number, and wait several days to call, odds are that the less interested girl is not going to be willing to squeeze you in to her schedule. And you've lost the original excitement of meeting a stranger. So it's up to you. If you like the selling challenge, or just the adrenaline rush of spontaneously making a date on the spot, do it. If you prefer to fight by a set plan, go with the phone number route.

Either way, the next two chapters will show you the winning techniques to pull it off.....

 How you invite a girl out for the first time?

 Firstly,I don't put her in the posture where she can choose how will be my day.

 It's important to know that a girl who gets out with you doesn't make you a favor. 

 The things are equal.She has the opportunity to have fun just like you.

 In conclusion,you don't put question like: "Do you want to go out on Sunday?" .No.You should tell something like: "Tomorrow I want to go out to drink some juice.If you want,come with me." or "If you promise you don't try to get me drunk,I will take you.".

 Then be silent and wait for her answer which probably will be yes.

 More simple,you can tell her joking that you allow her to go out with you with the condition that she will bring you home early because your parents are very strictly.

 Be creative.

Where do you invite her?

 There are lots of places where few men think to invite a woman. Let others men to invite her to the restaurant or to the club. You can again be original. I recommend this two amazing places:

 1.City tour with a public transportation

 Propose yourself to take a tramway throughout the city.


 Why it's worth to go to the zoo?

 Firstly,because it's a memorable visit and secondly because we don't go everyday to the zoo and there are a lot of topics to talk.

 Offer her something new.

 She will remind the date and she will remind you.