First Date King: The Dating Guide That Will Change Your Life by Adrian Gemen - HTML preview

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Chapter Three: The First Shift In Thinking


So let's start off with this shift in thinking: Think about what that you're interested needs and wants, and don't assume that these are the same things that YOU need and want.

And don't assume that what women want is going to make any sense at all to you, because it probably won't. This was a big one forme personally to get. Almost none of what I do to be successful with women makes any sense to me logically, because I'm not a woman.

But now that I see how what I do works over and over and over again,I realize that it doesn't matter what makes sense.

All that matters is WHAT WORKS.

Let's get a little deeper into the female heart and mind.Females select males most of the time in nature... and in modern human courtship. And even if the man selects the woman, many if not most women still harbor the secret fantasy that they're 'letting him do it' etc.

Sooooooo.... It's good to address this issue and point out when talking to women (even if you hint at it and talk about past experiences to make the point) that you are the selector and not the selectee.

This kind of thing is very very very powerful, as it does one of my favorite things: It points out something to the woman that she's most likely NEVER HEARD FROM A MAN IN HER ENTIFE LIFE. I specialize in saying things that women have never heard. I also like to say things that she's never heard that MAKE ME DIFFERENT IN A DESIRABLE WAY.

I even say to women "I'm about to tell you something (or something about you) that no one has ever told you..." This really gets a woman on the edge of her seat and puts her into an instant state of attention (when done in a context that makes sense).

And if the thing you tell them is profound enough, they'll begin to see you and a sort of super psychic powerhouse (women are fascinated by these kinds of things).

My personal view is that if you help people to have profound realizations, they'll see you as a guru rather than seeing the information or themselves as powerful. It doesn't matter where the info came from, as long as it's something that the person has never really thought about in that way (that's also profound to her).

One good example is to say to a hot woman who's acting arrogant "You don't have me fooled for a minute, dear."When she say's "What are you talking about?" you say "Well, I know that most men fall for this 'I'm beautiful and aloof and I get my way' part of your personality... but I know something that none of them know... that there's really another side of you. A side that none of THEM get to see. I'll bet you a dollar right now that I know something about you that no one who's only known you for 5 minutes has EVER known... <pause pause pause>.

You may act tough, but you're actually EXTREMELY sensitive on the inside. If someone makes a negative comment to you, you might act like it doesn't bother you...but you'll think about it all the way home... I know that secretly you're as sensitive as a little girl... it's just that most people never get to meet that part of you..."

This messes up a cold woman soooo hard that you have to be ready for instant personality meltdown and a completely different person to come out of her. At this point, it's often easy to start talking about the whole pick up scene and how women play men, etc. to let her know you're an insider and not falling for her game.

If you drop two or three more profound comments during this time, you'll have a woman that won't leave you alone (but keep acting like you want to be left alone so she'll stay after you!). Nice.

It's a game to them.

Women often view men picking up on them as a sort of game. They talk about it with each other, they have standard lines that they learn when you ask for their number - "Why don't you give me YOUR number instead and I can call you...?" and so on.

I know that some, maybe even most women go out on weekends with the mindset of "I'm never going to meet Mr. Right at a club, but it boosts my ego to have men paying attention to me by the dozens, and I like to have free drinks... and I love to dance with my girlfriends and be a tease... and I love the power of shooting men down while pretending to be annoyed by it... etc."