Getting What you Want Now! (Transforming Inner Resistance) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 7 - Getting Resistance To Switch Sides & Work For You

Much like the Russian Doll, the outer cannot see the inner, yet the inner is influencing the outer, and the same can be said for human reality.

We already know that 80% of reality is being created away from daily awareness, and that includes resistance. However, as in the case of Jim. We now know that his alcohol resistance has led all the way back to a real life core experience, though how does he get resistance working for him?

First Jim must genuinely arrive and be at peace with acceptance. He must let the past, be the past. He must truly forgive and not hold himself totally responsible. However, as he is now fully conscious, from today forward is a very different story.

Jim is encouraged to accept full “conscious responsibility”, and there is a difference. Responsibility is a word, whereas “conscious responsibility” means that he will not forget and always remain aware of his own dynamics. In doing so, allows Jim a large degree of future influence and control.

He then allows himself to be whatever he is. That is, if he thinks he is an alcoholic, then as strange as it might sound, he allows this to be.

Now please bear in mind that although the reference is to Jim and alcohol, this could be any personal or professional subject. As alcohol is a bi-product of resistance, please do not make the mistake of attaching only alcohol to resistance. The facts are that resistance is as much a part of reality, as life itself and it could be any personal or professional situation. Likewise, if another individual engaged in transforming resistance who thought themselves to be a failure, a failed executive, or a struggling CEO, then the process of transforming resistance is the same.

Common examples might be, resistance towards a personal or professional target, goal, task, project, office, company, person, or group of people.

Nevertheless, Jim takes the pressure off by allowing himself to just be.

Using his consciousness, he “consciously” plugs into and asks himself what it is he truly desires. In the case of Jim, he desired to be the highflying executive that he already was; yet he desired to be in control. Though in order for this to work, the desire to be in control must be stronger than the fear of being out of control.

While we reached into Jim's original core desire, once raised to the conscious mind, they dissolve and a path is paved ready for a new installment. Though Jim will never forget his happy days of adolescence, once consciously broken apart the emotionally attached power in the original association goes with it. As his perception will no longer be influenced from old core drivers, new experiences are not considered overlays.

So once Jim has formulated an internal desire to be in control, the transformational process of shifting resistance has begun.

Remember resistance was continually telling Jim, “you must drink and cannot stop”, and irrespective of Jim changing his mind, and changing his perception, this mind chatter will continue. It will continue because it works for the strongest energy and because it takes direction from “overall consciousness”, resistance knows that Jim is relaying mixed signals to himself. Though as it does not know what part of Jim’s consciousness will win, that is, his sub-unconscious, or his conscious self, it sticks with the strongest side. That is, resistance stays with the fear of losing control. Additionally, it plays out like an old record player, and it loves to rewind and replay through the same groove. Though, this is nothing other than conditioned thinking. Conscious or not, it is just conditioned thinking.

Though to begin with, Jim may not be fully convinced in himself. He may hope, trust and apply all positive attributes, but his own communication with his inner self is the real influencer. To starve the energy, he must allow it to continue on and do it’s own thing. In allowing, cuts additional fuel, which disrupts the circuit. If you like, it is the conscious mind gaining control over the situation.

Once allowed, Jim then strengthens his desire. That is, he desired to be in control, and he must now prepare himself to face his own resistance head on. Remember it does not discriminate, and it works for the strongest polarity. That is Jim’s desire to be in control, or his fear of being out of control.

No amount of words can outline and describe the point that Jim and anyone else engaged with transforming human energy must reach, and that is a decision.

Once Jim has reached a place in himself where enough, is enough, and that he must make a choice. That is, which will he focus and follow, desire or fear. Nevertheless, if there are negatively embedded core associations of fear, then these must be dealt with and dissolved first. Only Jim, or the individual in question will know which is the strongest energy, i.e. fear or desire. If it is fear, then please, please STOP and refer to the fear module, if it is desire, then press on.

How do you know if a core fear exists? If the energy of resistance is serving to maintain distance, then fear resides. For example Jim’s fear of not being able to stop drinking is a bi product to other associated “past” real life experiences. As fear is human’s biggest driver, then download and read the fear module. Not only is, I can’t Do It, Yes You Can (Transforming Fear) a core module, it is the foundation to all other modules and supplements.

Nevertheless, assuming Jim has now cleared core fears as well as consciously raised his core desire to drink, progression can be made.

Any change in Jim’s mind, will result in “instant resistance”. Therefore, even positive changes like addressing resistance will create resistance. Though now, Jim is conscious of this, he just allows it to be, and is now going to get it working for him.

As resistances primary role is too resist, then it works for us by switching it to the polar opposite energy.

For example. When Jim thought about giving up alcohol, he experienced huge amounts of resistance. When he changed his mind and made a decision to stop drinking, resistance went into overdrive. This is resistance to change spoke about earlier, though provided his desire to be in control is stronger than the fear of losing control, then his next move was to accept the resistance and stop anyway. Yes, he is pre warned to expect and feel it, and regardless of this resistance, he stops drinking.

In doing so, a very powerful electromagnetic operation gets underway. Yet, sparing the exhaustive scientific explanations, reality begins with an electromagnetic pulse, commonly understood, and recordable as an “electrical hertz”. These electromagnetic waves of pulsating and spinning energy vortexes influence biology, which in turn influence and go onto create physical reality. Though it is not necessary to study theories of electromagnetic dynamics, consider that in “allowing resistance” invokes these dynamics. In short, disallowing pushes away, creating a negative distance, whereas allowing attracts, acting as a positive “conductor”.

As resistance is at the opposite end of attracting, naturally this human dynamic does not like conductivity. In the very act of doing, invokes the reverse dynamics, which in a sense feels strange. That is, to accept, welcome and embrace resistance does not feel comfortable, yet it is no more unnatural than putting up with and accepting it.

So when Jim accepts carrying on regardless, the energy of resistance weakens. As there is nothing fueling it, it cannot perform it’s role and begins to search elsewhere. This aspect is a vital key towards flipping the energy and getting it to work for the other side.

It is true that Jim must now apply a degree of self-control, though when “consciously” applied, the task is made easier. He must now pass through resistance and that means facing it head on. However, resistance is like fear, and when embraced it dissipates. Yes, it will still exist, though at a much lesser strength.

The next step is for Jim to consciously focus on his desire for self-control. Though this must emanate from his “overall consciousness”. In doing so, the energy will pick up the signals that he has switched from fearing losing control, to desiring self-control. Briefed down, his consciousness has to be in genuine desire, which with time, will knock on through his biology, and eventually to his physical - This is the very dynamics of being human. Though as all of life and reality have a “buffer”, so to speak. There is a perceived time delay. It is in this period referred to as a buffer, that Jim must “consciously” override and do it anyway - That is, Jim must resist the resistance to drink. He is not resisting drinking; he is resisting the resistance to resist drinking.

Provided Jim sticks to his own inner desire, his strength to resist will maintain. This is easier described with a runner who desires to run marathons, but experiences stickiness at a 5 am rise in the cold winter months. Only in pushing through, but more importantly recognizing and allowing their resistance to be, can they pass through it. Though with time, both Jim and the runner’s resistance will switch to the opposite side. That is, eventually the runner will not feel comfortable if they did not run, as Jim will not feel comfortable in drinking too much. This is so because the energy must work to resist thereby resistance ends up working for them.

Remember the energy of resistance does not discriminate, and will always strive to serve. Therefore Jim’s fear of losing control could be deemed a healthy fear, as too could the marathon runner’s fear of not being able to run. Furthermore, resistance does not negotiate whether it should work for fear or desire; it just operates from the strongest. Provided Jim’s desire was strong and his fears were weak, then it will operate for desire. If it were the other way around, then resistance has no option but to work for fear. If it works for fear, then naturally the energy compounds and you get more of what was feared.

Though to ensure that resistance is not operating from unhealthy fears, we strongly suggest the core fear module.

Though back to Jim. As Jim desires to be in control more than he fears losing control, a signal of intent is created. In turn, resistance is continually analyzing and will always choose the winning team. That is, once it has been challenged and passed through, it dissipates. This is so because there is normally fear in challenging, but when this is passed through, both fear and resistance subside. Once subsided, in order to exist, it must find another source of supply. As reality is a world of duality, there is always a polar opposite. Where there is a polar opposite, there is conductivity, and where there is conductivity, there is resistance.

While it might sound complex and at times mind-boggling, human dynamics are really quite simple. It is true that there are many paradoxes, contradictions and ambiguities, yet at the core, there is only ever love and fear. Either something is being influenced and driven by a core fear, or core desire. As most of life and reality is rooted and built upon fears, initially this work can appear challenging. However, once the dynamics of being human are grasped, it is like playing with baker’s doe. When all core fears and desires are in their respective places, then natural resistance is not only healthy; it is always working on behalf of.

Though back to Jim, because this is not the end of his story. On the contrary, once he becomes familiar with the dynamics of resistance, he continues resisting the resistance until it gives up.

Though it can be likened to a stand off, resistance only ever works for the strongest energy. With Jim’s conscious effort, and provided his consciousness is stronger than his sub-unconscious, eventually resistance will switch to the opposite side. However, as already mentioned, when starved, naturally it will gravitate elsewhere.