Getting What you Want Now! (Transforming Inner Resistance) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 6 - Unearthing, Unlocking & Dissolving Resistance

To unearth resistance is not so difficult. First it is be-friended, welcomed and embraced, as in doing so, conducts the energy and this is absolutely vital. Conductivity being the opposite of resistance, it attracts therefore absorbs much of the negative energy. It does not dissolve, though the very act of embracing reverses the flow of resistance. That is, instead of repelling and getting more of what’s disliked, becoming friends means that the energy can no longer fuel itself. Remember, resistance fuels itself and needs more resistance to achieve this. When the flow is reversed, the fuel supply is cut.

Secondly, one observes and begins the process of identification. This act allows more access to the energy of resistance, even though you may still be asking - where is the core of resistance?

Resistance is in almost every conceivable action and reaction to life. Conscious or otherwise, resistance coexists alongside life itself. One only needs to analyze and look into daily reality, and resistance will be found all around. Likes, dislikes, pain, pleasure, love and fear, resistance can be found in all six. Though what we are now looking to do is unearth the negative, unproductive, and destructive resistance. Once raised to the conscious self, it can be identified, broken apart and reassembled.

It’s a little like removing the outer layers of a Russian Doll. Once at the core, the smallest doll is broken apart and reformed. In short, we are breaking up old negative associations, and replacing them with more positive and productive outcomes. Though the way to achieve this is not to assume positivity, it is to get resistance working positively. The paradox being that resistance will still operate from fear, pain, and dislikes, though we now associate these to positive and productive outcomes.

As an example only, lets take an addiction. Jim knew that as the opportunities arose, he would invariably overstep his relationship to alcohol. In other words, Jim thought because worked paid, and he spent a great deal of time away from home, that this was the reason he drank. In fact he was “consciously” convinced that this was a rational and firm reason. Nevertheless, with each new night away from home leant itself to drink more than he should. Again, Jim consciously told himself this is just life and it is the purpose of hotel bars.

At Jim’s core, he felt powerless to stop and reject any alcohol. He also knew it was not so good for him, and that he wanted to exercise more control over himself. Nevertheless, he never spoke his inner self to anyone, pushing it away from his conscious mind. Yes, Jim indeed felt powerless but comforted himself with rational excuses.

However, upon closer inspection, Jim must not be blamed for something that he is not conscious of, therefore what he is not conscious of, he cannot be in control of. For example, he is not conscious of breathing, therefore has no control over it. The same way he is not conscious of resistance, and likewise he has no control over it.

Nonetheless, what is being suggested is that Jim’s resistance to giving up; control, or stop alcohol is because resistance is harder at work than he is. That is, his resistance is operating stronger from the sub-unconscious, than that which he can consciously self-control. Evidence can be seen when Jim tells himself, not tonight, then breaks this internal dialogue and drinks anyway. With each broken agreement, adds to the negative side of resistance and soon enough, Jim has no choice in the matter. Irrespective of anything else, his bio feed-back tells him he will drink alcohol. It is a vicious circle, one that began sub-unconsciously, then sends instructions to his biology, and now expresses in the physical.

Though what now if he wants to change this, how can he achieve it?

Well, Jim is a business executive whom is apt at controlling situations and circumstances outside himself, yet when it comes to his own inner dynamics, he struggles. Why?

Because he has no knowledge of how “human dynamics” such as resistance operate. However, with a few simple steps, and applying what he already knows, Jim will with ease transform this situation.

All he need do is work back from the physical to the core. Here is how it was achieved.

First off, Jim was encouraged to get used to the very idea of not only allowing, but welcoming and embracing the energy of resistance. Whatever form it presents, that is physical, biological, or non-physical, as strange as it sounds, Jim was asked to make friends with it. He was then asked to self reflect, turn inward and become conscious of his own self. Although he knew himself better than others, the rule of 80/20 consciousness still applies. That is, 80% of his life and entire reality are going on sub-unconsciously, with the remaining 20% being conscious of. In short, Jim was astounded to find that he was not really the Jim he thought he was, and that he was only 20% conscious of his daily life and reality.

Though it does not happen overnight, Jim began the process of searching his own “overall consciousness”. That is, just prior to sleeping, he consciously put the following paragraph to himself.

Irrespective of my current perception, view-point, and beliefs. I now in this moment, ask my overall consciousness to go in search of, accept, allow, welcome, and embrace all forms of my own resistance. While sleeping, whether conscious, sub-unconscious, positive or negative, physical, biological, emotional, mental, or otherwise. I now in the moment ask to consciously become aware and understand my own truth. I am ready for what arises and accept full responsibility for the processing of”.

CAUTION! Above is not a wishy washy whimsical saying. Please be mindful that when the following paragraph is applied with genuine integrity, and full conscious intent. A very powerful electromagnetic action is invoked. This will then influence biological processes, which in turn will have a knock on effect in the physical.

When he awakes, there is no magic and no mystical transformation. This is not what is being suggested. However, in posing the above to his “overall consciousness”, Jim’s consciousness has no other choice to go off, search and bring back that which he is requesting. How can this be? Because human consciousness operates on a simple set of dynamics, that are only complex because of time and evolution.

That is, human consciousness operates with basic “intent” though what clouds and distorts this is perception. That is, perception holds onto certain beliefs, opinions, judgments, expectations, etc. etc. Therefore a major task for his consciousness is to bypass his current conditioning. Nevertheless, this is not going to be a complex operation. On the contrary, accessing and influencing human dynamics is a very simple function.

This can bee seen in the world of media, as what is fed to human perception has little choice but to adjust. Yet, as this is all going on sub-unconscious, there is a much more powerful and direct method of persuasion. That is, intention.

Though please do not confuse intent with “I want to know, but I fear the outcome”. Or, “I really do want to know, but I’m scared of what will come forward”. This is surface intent, backed up and loaded with hidden FEAR. The intent required is as follows; “Irrespective of my fear, current perception, or outcome. I desire to know the core of my resistance, MORE than I desire not to know. I am fully prepared and accept full responsibility in dealing with what arises, and I genuinely SEEK to know, and understand my own TRUTH”.

Intention is covered inside other modules, though for a desired result, intent behind the intent is required.

Now that Jim has applied the above to himself, he is encouraged to relax and allow his “overall consciousness” to do the work. Please do not dismiss this operation for this is how it works, as mind dismissal is the perfect canceler. While a degree of openness is required, so too is patience.

In time, Jim will begin to perceive past events that relate to resistance. They may be physical, or non-physical. Though, permeating the conscious mind will be images, sounds, smells, or all three, etc. It may be feelings, thoughts, etc. Nevertheless, whatever the associated experiences, once genuinely and intently asked for, they will rise.

However, resistance is different from unearthing fears in so much that we are not looking to dissolve it. As resistance is as much a part of reality as daylight, without it there would be a problem. Though what we are going to do is identify, then get it working on Jim’s behalf. For instance, instead of Jim coming up against the inability to resist alcohol, which is just resistance working against him. The energy is going to switch sides and work for him. That is, Jim will then experience good resistance. Meaning that when he works away from home, his resistance will be working for him, the outcome of which good resistance will take over, urging him not to drink.

However, though Jim’s example is alcohol related, this is not restricted to addictions. On the contrary, an alcohol addiction was chosen for its “treble strength resistance”. That is, with alcohol, it has all three levels, i.e. non-physical mental - emotional, biological, and physical resistance. Though in truth, these dynamics apply for all personal and professional resistance patterns. Whether it be office goals, targets, or home, relationship or self, the dynamics are the same.

So, back to Jim. Now that he has asked his conscious self to go off and find the core associations, he must continue to do this every night. In doing so, not only strengthens, but it creates familiarity and “jolts” his own perceptional awareness. In other words, his torch is now shining inwardly and will duly find what’s in the cupboard. The trick for Jim now is to be aware.

Remember the Russian Doll analogy? Well, imagine the outer doll is Jim, and his consciousness is his torch. The core doll is the dark cupboard, and his torch is sent off to find the contents of the cupboard. Though, unlike the dolls, Jim’s consciousness may bring back the outer, inner, or a doll in the middle. This is just the nature of consciousness and it is worth outlining that while the universe operates on principles, associated experiences rarely come out in order.

Nevertheless, within days Jim began to experience “aahh” moments. That is, like a bubble of water rising to the surface, awareness breaks the conscious mind in a similar manner. What permeated Jim’s conscious mind, were past events linking through to present day resistance. Though he did not fully remember, he began to have awareness of resistance and alcohol.

For example. Jim explained that although his resistance was strong, and it led him to think and feel he could not say no. There was now associated memories coming forward. Jim began to realize that the strong resistance, which he believed worked against him, was indeed working for him. That is, remember Jim’s resistance was maintaining distance from allowing him to stop, which in turn created more resistance that ensured he drank. This is how resistance works. Well, when he asked his overall consciousness to go off and find the associations, Jim started to remember that alcohol invokes an internal desire. That is, further back then the now, Jim’s perception was holding onto past experiences that believed alcohol equated to desire. How was this so?

Because when Jim drank one, two or more, like most who drink alcohol, his conscious self leaves solid reality. To Jim, when in this mode, all troubles, worries and woes were none existent, but that’s not all. Chemically speaking, alcohol invokes biological changes, puts the mind into right brain relaxed and desire mode. For Jim, this was the place to be, a place he desired, and a place he felt comfortable with. As this happens unconscious of the conscious mind, resistance initially starts out working for him. That is, way back in Jim’s past, the energy of resistance had to do something, either work for, or against. As resistance just exists, it is the job of perception to instruct and guide where it goes. In the case of Jim, his perception told resistance that he desired drink, and that the energy should get to work and support him. It’s as simple as that. What starts off as a supporting energy, as in the initial stages Jim’s resistance without doubt would have given his conscious mind indicators that enough, is enough.

However, when resistance is overrode, which only happens when the desire to do something is stronger than the desire to not do. Then resistance moves to the winning side. For instance, Jim connected strongly to the desired effect from alcohol. Albeit this happens sub-unconsciously, nonetheless, consciousness like resistance does not discriminate and follows the strongest energy. Whether that energy is founded upon a strong desire, or a strong fear, matters not. Whether conscious, sub, or unconscious, matters not. Consciousness and energy are just that, and will take direction from the strongest. Though by the time Jim becomes conscious of this, he assumes resistance is working against him. That is, the more he wants to stop drinking, the more persistent resistance becomes. However, Jim’s sub-unconscious has duped his conscious mind, but not deliberately. Initially resistance began its journey operating to maintain distance between Jim, and consuming too much alcohol. If you like, this is the good, productive side. Yet, as Jim hankered for “desire”, and desire being one of the strongest human energy forces, resistance has no option but to follow. That is, it gives up the weaker energy, and in this case it was the “fear” of drinking too much. As his “desire” was stronger than the “fear”, resistance has no option but to follow the leader. Though the greatest duping is modern perception that resistance is negative. It is not. It can only gain strength through negativity if the “fear”, becomes stronger than the “desire”. That is, If Jim were to continually fear he had no control, repetitively reaffirming this to himself, then the fear becomes as big, if not bigger than the desire. This is why when Jim does not want something; he gets more of what he does not want. It is because resistance has joined the strongest side, in this situation, it would be the “don’t want”, because this is the “conscious fear”.

Though getting back to Jim. He now has new awareness of his desired relationship to alcohol. Now he can forgive himself, as what began as a harmless desire, was not of his intention. Jim’s intention was to connect with desire, as alcohol invoked this desire, he was duped into drink more than he should. However, this is the place where we know that the dynamics of being human have been out of his control. Had they not, Jim’s conscious self would not have allowed alcohol to have gotten the better of him. Please note that the reference is towards Jim’s conscious mind, and not directed at Jim himself. Though, realistically speaking, resistance got the advantage over him, not alcohol.

Like all energy, there is a point of “critical mass”. That is, when the balance tips, the energy goes on autopilot operating for the opposite side. For instance and when Jim first started drinking, he was in control of saying no. As it was on the side of self-control, resistance was working in parallel and it was working for him. However, and as already mentioned. When Jim “consciously” goes against his inner feelings, also being overrode is resistance. As Jim desired alcohol more than he desired not to take it, resistance switches to the winning side. This happens naturally, and it does this because it cannot exist where there is no fuel.

For instance. If Jim maintained his desire, in the desire to say no, then resistance would stay with this side. Yet, when his desire shifts from one side to the other, so too does his perception. Ironically, this is the job of perception and it is functioning correctly. Remember perception holds the energy of resistance, and if Jim perceives desire from the effects of alcohol more than the desire to say no, then resistance naturally moves with perception. Again, this is normal and it is functioning correctly.

However, we have merely shone Jim’s torch of conscious light through the peephole, but this is not the core of the doll, so to speak.

So far we have got as far back as to what holds resistance in place, but we have not yet unearthed its core driver. Remember it was said that associated experiences are what drives resistance, and now that we have found Jim’s energy of resistance. The task is to uncover what’s driving it.

Now he has discovered that his relationship to alcohol is based on desire, we must cast aside the negativity surrounding addiction. Why must this be achieved? Because the very belief of a negative addiction will prevent Jim from embracing it. The fact being that when we fully understand how human dynamics and overall consciousness operate, then we see addictions for what they really are. That is bi-products of deeper associations, and these may not necessarily be negative.

For Jim, he had a strong desire to connect to the energy of desire. One of the quickest ways to achieve this was to artificially induce it with alcohol. It is most likely this was not an intentional move, yet with the availability, acceptability, and popularity of alcohol, this became the reality.

Jim is now encouraged to continue his nightly ritual in asking his conscious mind to go off and search for his core associations. In time, it is likely to come through, though to speed up this process and in a controlled environment, he could invoke a trigger by consuming alcohol. However, it must be stressed that consuming alcohol is not essential, as the same results can be achieved without it. So Jim is now asked to consciously go towards that “feeling” of desire and relay what it is conveying to him. In a normal state of everyday consciousness. Not psychotherapy, not hypnotherapy, just normal wakefulness. Jim is asked to consciously connect to that feeling alcohol gives him.

Jim stated that alcohol made him feel less anxious, as though he didn’t have a care in the world. He said that when he’d consumed two or three drinks, the world went away. This was the desire he was connecting to, but this desire is still not his core. Desire is a feeling, and it is a feeling that humans innately hanker after; it is also one of life’s strongest core drivers. Though, while it is being said that desire is an innate core driver, and that Jim’s pursuit of “desire” is not a core driver, this is not a conflict. Please allow a brief explanation.

While desire is an innate core driver, in order for it to be desired, something must be “associated” to the desire. In other words, desire would be attached to a pleasant thought, which creates a pleasant feeling, which then would go onto create a pleasant physical experience. Though it’s not always the case, pleasant thoughts originate from real past life experiences, already perceived as “good”. As good equates to like, want, love, desire, etc. the innate driver of desire must associate and attach to one of these. Though that’s not all, the attachment is normally but not always associated to a past real life event. This comes down to Jim’s relationship with alcohol. If his past real life experiences were judged by his perception as “bad”, then eventually and with time, he would “fear” alcohol. Though if perceived as “good”, inevitably he would desire alcohol. However, the key word is “associated”, as if there is no “associated experiences”, there is no desire.

Yet what if it was discovered that Jim had no early associated real life experiences, where does the association stem from? Well, this is not really detrimental to the outcomes of transforming resistance. Though it is not yet fully understood why some individuals appear birthed with innate drivers such as desire. What is known are that these drivers can be unearthed, reprogrammed and put to work for one’s good.

While it might feel we are now bordering on psychology, may we suggest that this is just everyday life. It is nothing more than the dynamics of being human, that once understood, mastered, and reorganized, then personal and professional productivity ensues.

Though back to Jim. As the associations that drive his resistance are further back than his desire for desire. Remember the core of the Russian Doll? Well, this is the place where Jim’s original resistance began to formulate. It is where Jim’s perception first perceived events as either good, or bad. If they were perceived as good, then the energy of resistance creates to “conduct”, and goes onto resist elsewhere. For Jim, he recalled that early life experiences of consuming alcohol were good. Therefore, resistance would have been operating for him, and would have been functioning at the polar opposite end, serving to distance him from consuming too much. Jim then went onto recall how he and a friend enjoyed young adolescence of happy, care and worry free times. As these were Jim’s earliest experiences of happiness, his senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell formulated a perception. This is the job, which then collects all the data placing it into a category of desire. Provided Jim experienced a strong mental and emotional connection, coupled with a real life experienced event, then an “original associated memory” is formed that goes onto influence the next similar event. Though over time, and with many, upon many of life’s overlays, the original event is forgotten, with the mental and emotional feeling of desire being pursued.

However, Jim’s resistance may have began working for desire, in so much that it served to distance him from consuming too much. As it serves as a healthy boundary, this is what’s referred to as a good, or resistance that is working for you. Yet for Jim, somewhere along the line, fear overtook desire. That is, the fear of not being in control, not being able to give up, or something other. Which also begins in Jim's conscious mind, yet quickly drops off to the sub-unconscious simply because he is not conscious of how his own human dynamics operate. Additionally, and in the case of alcohol, there are addictive chemical elements that burden and influence the biological system. Nevertheless, “consciousness”, that is “human consciousness” is said to be the ultimate controller, and has been influencing these human dynamics all along. Just because Jim is not conscious of this, does not have any bearing upon the dynamics. This is so, because, sub, and unconscious are still forms of consciousness and while this may seem like a mind twister, it really is quite simple.

All human actions and reaction rely upon some form of consciousness. Though psychology attempted to separate the mind into three main compartments of conscious, sub and unconscious. The reality is that it’s all “consciousness”. If separate compartments existed, then we would know clearly where they began and ended, but we do not. There would be no ambiguity over sub and unconscious definitions, but there is. It is like saying night and daytime are separate, yet at what point does daybreak begin and nightfall end? Nevertheless similar properties run through both, and human consciousness is the same. As the name suggests, conscious, subconscious and unconscious, “consciousness” runs through all three.