Getting What you Want Now! (Transforming Inner Resistance) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 8 - Once On The Winning Side

Now that Jim is physically, and mentally saying no to alcohol, the energy of resistance will continue it’s normal routine. That is, until Jim’s “overall conscious intent” signals his subtle levels of reality, that no matter what, his desire is to be in control. He does NOT focus on overcoming resistance, nor does he focus on the potentiality of losing control. He remains focused on his desire, with the surety that small progressive steps forward will gravitate him there.

While the above is easier said than done, please make a note that with the dissolution, and in the absence of core fears, focusing on future desires are effortless. However, if Jim were still to fear “not being in control”, this would signal that a core fear is influencing his energy and decision-making.

Nevertheless, and assuming all core fears have been dealt with. There will be a period whereby Jim will be required to resist resistance, though this does not last. Please allow it to be emphasized that the key to disempowering resistance is to embrace. As it feels more comfortable “resisting”, it will begin to search for a new home. This is where the energy quietly and conveniently flips to work for instead of against.

Provided Jim abstains from alcohol, with emotional and mental attention focused on his desire for self-control, then there will come a moment when Jim’s “conscious self” suddenly realizes that resistance has flipped to work for the opposite side. That is, Jim may think about drinking alcohol, or he may pass a hotel bar, and resistance will shout out - “do not drink Jim”. It will do this for all the reasons outlined previously. That is, it will always seek to serve the strongest polarity.

However, you may be asking the following question, at what point does the energy flip?

When the critical mass of joins one polarity over another. In other words, when Jim begins to embrace resistance, it’s now at half strength. When there are no core desire or fears to feed from, it weakens further. Though one the other side of the scale there is something else going one. During the process of embracing and weakening, Jim’s perception is also on the move. As he switches from “constantly thinking he cannot control alcohol”, to focusing on a productive desire. That is, applying and exercising self-control. As he is imagining, and gravitating towards this desired target, albeit he is unconscious, yet the energy of resistance is also gravitating.

The final blow comes when Jim “consciously” challenges resistance. In other words, when he becomes aware of his own forces, shining his torch of conscious light upon it, then the game is up. It is likened to leaving the door open and then beckoning a burglar to ransack the house. The reality is that if a burglar is not allowed to be a burglar, it wouldn't be too long before they gave up in pursuit of a vacant, locked home. The energy of resistance operates very similar.

The critical point comes when it becomes starved to the degree in order to survive, (and it will survive somewhere), it moves. Though, how does Jim know where it is going to gravitate and move to?

Well, do you remember the wild garden spoke of earlier? That is, wild gardens develop unkempt, and to point and date, human resistance has been the same. Though not anymore. When Jim created and planned out his desire for self-control, automatically his system creates the polar opposite potential. That is, the same and equal possibility for lack of control is also created. How does this happen? Because this reality is a reality of duality and with all duality, the equal and opposite energy is always created. That is night and day, top and bottom, light and dark, accept and reject, love and fear, happy and sad, in control and out of control, etc. etc. the list is endless. Though duality is covered throughout other modules, please consider that when a desire to be in control is created, the same and equal potential for it’s polar opposite is also created.

However, the biggest difference and main ingredient is “consciousness”. Once consciously aware of how basic human dynamics operate, they can be used to one’s advantage. However, it is clear to see the results of individuals that move around reality “unaware” of these dynamics. For example, how often have you come across a determined and highly focused individual only to find a few months later, their motivation is waning? How many times have you experienced the best intentions of a person turn upside? And how many times have you come across individuals that say this, but do that? Are these the outcomes of individuals that are in full conscious control of their reality? If this were the case, then planned and desired outcomes would always ensue, but they do not.

People do not plan to loose jobs, loose money, divorce, fall sick, or commit suicide, yet they do. In fact over 1 million people take their own life every year, and billions fall sick. Then there is depression. Rich or poor makes little difference, as approximately 20% of the world silently suffer with depression at any one time. Why?

It is our understanding that opposite outcomes are natural, albeit they are like the wild unkempt garden; nevertheless they are natural “sub-unconscious” outcomes, to basic energy principles. Though just because there has been little to no awareness of these dynamics, does not stop them happening. They are going on unconscious of the conscious self, and that applies collectively.

Through studying the actions and reactions of modern humans, and then analyzing their real life outcomes, it is evident humans are not consciously in control of themselves. However, this was not always the case. Yet, somewhere along the line humans misplaced, forgot, or just moved away from managing their own dynamics and their own unkempt gardens grew wildly, so to speak.

Our own analysis has shown that when aware of one’s own dynamics, then both in a personal and professional sense, life and reality is more productive, pleasant, harmonious, happy, content, and meaningful, etc. etc.

For Jim, he became consciously aware that energy always creates it’s equal and opposite counterpart, and although it cannot be guaranteed, perhaps this is why resistance itself exists. That is, when a desired outcome is created, then like Newton’s third law of motion states, that “every action produces an equal, and opposite reaction”. In other words, a bullet fired from the front of a gun, exerts the same, and equal force from the back of a gun. This is why a marksman's shoulder, arm, or hand recoil when the trigger is pulled. So, when a desired outcome is created, an equal opposite undesired outcome is also created. This explains why when Jim imagines being in control; he also imagines a fear of being out of control. It also rationally explains the true nature of resistance. That is, to prevent the feared outcome from birthing into reality. Though what pieces these dynamics together and gets the cogs working for one is “consciousness”.

Please give the following some careful analysis. “Nothing in life can be influenced, and change without first becoming conscious, of the consciousness that is governing it. Whether one is conscious, subconscious, or unconscious of their consciousness MATTERS NOT - Consciousness goes on to automatically create through the conscious, the subconscious, and unconscious aspects of self - These are just the everyday DYNAMICS OF BEING HUMAN”.

Now back to Jim. As he was consciously aware that when creating and moving towards his desired outcome, the opposite is also created. In creating the opposite, resistance is also created - this is an automatic dynamic. Yet, as it is operating for the good of Jim. That is, to maintain distance from losing self-control, then it’s in it’s rightful place. This is what’s called good, positive resistance that is working for and not against. Though please note, it is still the energy of resistance and it does not discriminate its choice of polarity. The decision maker has always and will always be human consciousness. Though more specifically, it is Jim’s “overall consciousness”. When Jim’s garden is growing wild, it could be said that sub-unconscious consciousness is influencing and guiding its growth. Yet, when fully conscious. That is, when his conscious mind is fully aware, then Jim’s garden is a kept garden, influenced and guided by his conscious consciousness. Though that is not it. For Jim to direct resistance to it’s most appropriate and productive place, he must become aware of his own human dynamics, clear out the old, and make way for the new.

As tough as this may sound, if Jim really intends being the master of his own reality, living desired outcomes, and minimizing the undesired. Then he must spend time, and put the required effort to get to know how his own human dynamics operate. That is duality, polarities, core drivers, human perception, and other dynamics such as, motivation, resistance, the human ego, and of course “consciousness”. Though it may appear daunting, becoming familiar and grasping the basic dynamics are all that’s required to get going and make a positive impact. Nevertheless, we are not suggesting or advocating positive mentoring, inspirational pep talks, or any other form of a superficial uplift. This is about reaching into the core; learning and applying what goes onto create and drive human beings.

So for Jim, he consciously had knowledge that when he created the desire to self-control, resistance to serve also created. If he fuels this new resistance, adding time and effort, it will pass a point of “critical mass” and begin working for him. Though as mentioned earlier, these natural dynamics can be seen in action with a marathon runner. Ask any athlete and they will have a conscious familiarity of passing through the energy of resistance. Though please do not be duped into assuming this is strictly for sportspeople alone, as it is not.

Albeit unconsciously, have you noticed that when the body is subject to long term medication, over time, automatic resistance naturally builds up. That is, when the drug is first introduced, resistance is strong and the medication fights for the body. Yet with continual exposure and time, it weakens requiring a higher dose, or a change in drug. Briefed down, resistance has moved from working for, to against. That is, from the drug, to the body. Yet there is more. As mentioned earlier, the very nature of resistance is subject to the rules of flux and if left unkempt, it will follow it’s own natural rules. That is, to operate, work and resist for the stronger energy.

The dynamics to flip this energy are really quite simple - Dissolve old core fears, focus on a desired outcome, be conscious of duality and polarity energies, resist old patterns of resistance, then fuel and strengthen the newly created resistance.

Though once on the winning side, what happens then?

Resistance like all human energy is subject to a constant state of flux. Though this may sound like nerdy talk, it is just everyday human dynamics. Though, in layman's terms this briefly translates into “everything is moving”. Yes, the process is too slow for the naked eye, or for everyday awareness to perceive. Yet, humans are also in constant flux. The same principle applies to everyday life and reality.

So once on the winning side, know that resistance will also wax and wane. That is, one day it will be strong, the next, it will be mild. The trick guiding resistance is to develop awareness, accepting that nothing ever, or can ever remain still.

This is the whole reason that Jim wanted to understand how his dynamics operate. As once aware, accommodating the fluxing is not a problem. For instance, once Jim applies these principles, not only is he able to see how he became an unconscious drinker, he was able to steer and guide resistance to work for him. That is, Jim fully understands that with all the enthusiasm, self-motivation, will power and determination, that one day, it will wane. During that process, even good resistance will wane. Yet, when this happens, Jim brings it back to his conscious self, kick starting the process all over again. In other words, it is a cyclic event, though as this is a productive cycle, then there is an interest to sustain it.

If you like, it can be compared to a juggler who throws their balls in the air, watches as they fall, then propels them with another push. This is a basic cyclic action, one with no start or stopping point. Though how does the juggler maintain this action? They use conscious awareness, then focus their attention accordingly.

To keep resistance operating for the winning side, Jim must keep it in his conscious awareness, knowing that it’s strength will naturally wax and wane. During the peaks there is little concern, though when a trough comes along, Jim has to consciously apply himself. That is, he is required to once again begin the process of re-imagining his desired outcome, while being acutely aware of the opposing fall. However, he would not imagine the same process all over again, as this would only serve to fool himself.

Another innate human driver is “forward motion”, Jim is required to expand and enhance his past vision of self-control. In other words, he ups his own game, progressing himself with small steps forward in the art of self-control. It may be that he develops and extends self-control to other areas of his life - as resistance will duly follow.