Getting What you Want Now! (Transforming Inner Resistance) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 4 - What’s Driving Resistance

When asked, “what drives humans to resist?” The top answer was “blank”. That’s right; most drew a blank expression, possessing no conscious awareness of what was driving resistance. Furthermore, most appear phased at the idea of experiencing resistance, as it was always “somebody else’s problem”.

This occurs because much of life and reality is created and directed from the sub-unconscious. That is, reality has an average split of 80/20. Meaning that approximately 80% of life is being influenced, created, and controlled from the sub-unconscious self, with only 20% in full conscious awareness. As resistance operates silently away from one’s awareness, is it any wonder there would be no conscious awareness of its existence?

Though just because it operates from the unknown, so to speak, does not mean it’s completely invisible. On the contrary, a key access point to discovering resistance is indeed one’s very own “3awareness”. As when life is viewed from the point of an observer, then resistance can be easily uncovered. In fact, with a little direct focus, and inward conscious intent, resistance will be perceived running parallel to life itself. Though what does this mean, and what is fueling it?

It means that like a torch, when light shines into a dark room, it’s contents can easily be viewed. Human consciousness can be thought of in a similar way. We simply turn our own awareness back into the self. That is, instead of looking, perceiving, and assuming it’s all on the outside, attention is turned inwardly. If you like, we ask our own torch, that is “conscious awareness” to shine on, and show us how much of our own resistance exists. As humans are not too dissimilar to light, these principles work with incredible accuracy.

Yet what are it’s drivers, and where is resistance obtaining it’s fuel from?

Perception fuels resistance, and associations drive it. Simplified down, the easiest starting point is to consider that resistance is an unavoidable, integral ingredient for life. In other words, “whatever the situation, conditions, etc, resistance just exists”. Though, how it is perceived is what drives it. As an example only, Daniels spouse wanted him to find a new job. One that would afford them both a better lifestyle. However, irrespective of acknowledging the need for improvement, Daniel did not take action. Why was this? Why was Daniel resistant towards this potentially positive lifestyle change?

Well, it is most likely that Daniel was not aware of any surface resistance at all. If he were, then it is highly probable he would have addressed, and changed it. However, as much of his reality is naturally driven from 80% of his sub-unconscious self, then not only is he unaware, he has no conscious awareness of resistance either. If asked, Daniel would probably deny the existence of resistance, and he would be right to do so.

Nevertheless, if there were no resistance, he would simply seek out his desire for that new job. Yet, embedded into his system, one can call it “overall consciousness”, or his sub-unconscious self, the terminology matters not. Though what’s important is that somewhere along the line of life, albeit sub-unconsciously, Daniels perception is holding onto and using the energy of resistance. Not only that, as the energy is preventing him moving forward, it is unknowingly being used against him.

Though it all sounds a little cloak and dagger, good guy, and bad guy so to speak, this is just the nature of reality. Up to now, human dynamics have largely operated and come under influence from the sub-unconscious self. That is the 80/20 rule of consciousness, 80% sub-unconscious, with 20% conscious.

So, as perception holds onto and uses the energy of resistance, fueling it from behind are “associations”. Because perception works much like a jigsaw, it cleverly pieces, places, and stitches real life events to form judgments, opinions, and beliefs, etc. Furthermore, this formation is really very basic. Either something is perceived as good, or not good, and a decision is made. Resist or allow, resist or accept, resist or conduct. It is as simple as that.

As much of this is performed during one’s early years, this is why Psychologists focus on childhood. Nevertheless, and as briefly outlined, the dynamic of perception is always in a state of “flux” and can be influenced and changed at any stage of life.

Though back to Daniel and the drivers of his resistance. It has already been said that perception holds and uses the energy, and associations are what fuel it, but what are these associations?

For Daniel, can you recall that he wasn't even aware that he was experiencing a state of resistance? While he might think and feel this to be de-motivation, it is not. As even further into his sub-unconscious self are real life associated experiences and events that have gone on to carve his perception. Though because Daniel knew of no other relationship other than “bad, or negative resistance”, his perception could only make one choice. That is, resistance is bad. As this is the job of perception, this task is performed automatically away from his conscious self. Though as will be discussed later, when overall consciousness is tasked to go off and find these original associations, without fail, it will do so. Once raised to the conscious self, they can be broken apart, positively influenced and changed to be productive.

That is, instead of Daniel avoiding looking for a new role, and not really knowing why. Resistance still exists, but it no longer operates from the sub-unconscious. This means that he would become conscious of his own resistance, and he could then use it to his advantage. How?

Well, imagine the same situation and that Daniels spouse suggests he finds another post. Only now, he is fully conscious of the dynamics of resistance and has successfully transformed this negatively perceived dynamic. The new resistance will no longer be distancing, diverting, or making sub-unconscious excuses. Now he is the master, and it serves to propel and deliver what it is he truly desires.

Does that sound like a fairly-tale? Well, it was not meant to be, because what now lies ahead can and will with some effort, transform and get the best from resistance.