Getting What you Want Now! (Transforming Inner Resistance) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 5 - Observing & Identifying Resistance

It is always easier to see the resistance in others, than it is to observe and identify it in ourselves. Yet why is this so, why are humans more than willing to connect to their good traits, but the negatives are not easily viewable?

Because of resistance!

As human beings, it is not thought of as pleasant, desirable, or beneficial to see one’s own inner dark spots. In fact, humans have become quite apt at screening off any dislikes, hence maintaining distance requires the energy of resistance. As resistance is perceived as a negative, it can fall into the category of a human weakness. Though, when we are brutally honest, the resistance we see in others is often a dis-ownership of our own inner self. That is, what is projected into reality is reflecting back for conscious understanding. In our experience, and until processed, resistance will persist until consciously taken responsibility for, and dealt with.

Though how do we observe our own resistance? Well, just like you would observe in another. The only but main difference being that instead of focusing awareness on the outside, attention is turned inwardly.

Initially it may help to practice and study on others, though ultimately attention should be focused and directed through the self. In saying that, whether observing others or self, the process is exactly the same.


The better place to start is to be-friend the energy of resistance. Whether perceived as physical, biological, emotional, mental, negative, fearful, or otherwise. Becoming intimately aquatinted is the first step towards freedom. As the job of resistance is to do just that, i.e. “resist”. Please make preparation for a game of hide and seek. Though when observing from a friendly perspective, it won’t be too long before resistance gives up playing the game.

This is so because the very nature of resistance requires energy to exist. Whether this energy comes from the conscious, or sub-unconscious matters not, though it must have energy to survive. While you have come across the saying, what one resists persists, refers to the energy feeding itself. Remember consciousness is energy, yet if resistance is operating sub-unconsciously then ultimately it is being held in place with perception. It then becomes a vicious cycle feeding on itself. Nevertheless, breaking this cycle is extremely simple, as all that is required is to shine the light of consciousness onto the source.

That is, from a non-hostile position, any and all forms of resistance are welcomed and embraced. Applied mentally, this action begins to dissolve the sting in the tail. It will not kill, though when genuinely embraced, “in an instant” consciousness transforms resistance into conductivity. That’s right, instead of allowing, or accepting, which are really only forms of acknowledging, when resistance is consciously beckoned and called forth then you act as a conductor. In conducting, there is no resistance, and without resistance, its power is displaced.

So for the first step, it is a simple yet powerful action of learning to embrace resistance. Actively engage, seek it out, befriend and develop a one to one relationship. As an observer, good practice is to stand in front of a mirror, look directly into your own eyes, and consciously speak the following;

Irrespective of my current perception, view-point, and beliefs. I now in this moment, ask my overall consciousness to accept, allow, welcome, and embrace all forms of my own and others resistance. Whether conscious, sub-unconscious, positive or negative, physical, biological, emotional, mental, or otherwise. I now in the moment ask to consciously understand my own truth. I am ready for what arises and accept full responsibility for this process”.

CAUTION! Above is not a wishy washy whimsical saying. Please be mindful that when the following paragraph is applied with genuine integrity, and full conscious intent. A very powerful electromagnetic action is invoked. This will then influence biological processes, which in turn will have a knock on effect in the physical.


Outlined near the start was resistance to change. That is regardless of the perception, positive, negative, desired, or disliked. Where there is change, there is resistance.

Please give this some curious thought and then try it out on yourself. For a quick exercise, pick one or two situations that you were going to change, though for whatever reason, if you did not get around to it. Then ask yourself the following, “was there any resistance in me, if so, what was it that I was resisting?”

Which brings us nicely onto a few examples. Mary desired to work for a new company, yet her resistance to change was stronger than her motivation to leave. Michael wanted nothing more than to open his own business, yet his resistance to do it won over his desire. Mark knew moving office was a good idea, yet resistance got the better of him.

While resistance can be closely linked to de-motivation, anxiety, depression, fears and so forth, it is still the energy of resistance.

Though why is this so, and why does resistance permeate so much of our daily live’s?

Well, it really is very basic as not only are humans creatures of comfort; there is also comfort with discomfort. Though extreme, this can be seen with a drinker, whom may desire to give up, yet resistance has the better of them. Whether in a position of like, or dislike, resistance to change is a somewhat natural coexistence. Furthermore, it could be considered that resistance is habitual, though when uncovered, habits are really just bi-products of deeper core drivers. That is, associations founded during one’s early years influence, and then go on to form today’s decision making. Though this will be covered later, please bring this to your awareness, as when in observation mode, getting intimate with the energy of resistance is key.

Key in a sense that resistance is nothing more than a simple human dynamic that to present day has been allowed to develop untethered. In doing so, it could be likened to a flower growing in the wild - That is, in the elements of nature and environment it is subject to deter its future. However, there is an understanding that resistance is not too dissimilar, nevertheless, from this point forward, the game is over.

With the risk of condescending, though it is genuinely not inferred this way, but it cannot be emphasized enough that “change” equals “natural” resistance. Again, and only as examples, though if you were to frequent the same coffee shop, drink the same drink, and sit in the same place. A pattern of resistance is created. Now let’s assume there were no negatives, and this was a positive, desirable action. Resistance is still created.

Why? Because the energy of resistance does not discriminate. It serves both core drivers of Love and Fear, therefore, even with desires such as the above, “resistance is present”. As resistance is a human dynamic that is simply aiming to slow down, even stop. It works for both sides, working to prevent a feared outcome, or to prevent moving away from a desire. It is a very basic, and simple operation. Though there are two things that complicate it.

A lack of understanding - As this human dynamic has not been very public, responsibility for ownership has to date been difficult. However, times have changed, humans have evolved and we are now more responsible for our own development than at any other time in human history.

Overlaid experiences - These can be referred to as associations. That is, perception holds and influences what will, and will not be resisted. However, original core experiences that have since endured many years of similar events overlay as “associated links” that drive the energy of resistance. Nevertheless, when change occurs, perception automatically pulls from one’s library of experiences to create resistance.

So, for Step 2, (and when observing) whether welcomed, or not, resistance will more often than not be found running in parallel.


When observing, how is resistance identified from other dynamics such as de-motivation, dislikes, fears, anxiety, etc. etc.

Well, make no mistake, as the energy of resistance has gone undetected for such a long time, it is highly likely that it is going to catch you out. That is, when observing, it is easier to overlook, deny, dismiss, even ignore what this energy dynamic of resistance is doing. Though what follows are not personal judgments or opinions, they are facts of reality. That is, resistance is as much a part of your day as the oxygen you breathe. Though, like the air breathed, the conscious self does not recognize it.

This aspect is unbelievably important, as until one becomes conscious of that which they were previously unconscious of, then change is not possible.

Though going back to identifying resistance from differing dynamics. Imagine something like a “Russian Doll”. As it’s broken apart, a smaller version resides inside.

Now, imagine that the outer Doll takes influence and direction from the core. Imagine the core, which is the original Doll, cannot be discovered unless the outers are removed. The outer Doll may have four, five, or more layers. Nevertheless, with the amount of overlays, the core Doll is now hidden well away from the outer Doll.

Although this is an analogy, it could be said that human energy is not too dissimilar. As most humans live life 80% from the sub-unconscious, with the remaining 20% from the conscious self, the majority of life and reality is said to be emanating from the core.

Though we are not quite ready to enter the core of humanity, at the core of resistance, are associated experiences that are quietly, but progressively operating and influencing well away from the conscious self. Though we will return to the Russian Doll later, it could be said that the core, is the child, and it is where the majority of life’s decisions were made.

To observe this energy is also very simple, as when any “changes” are made, resistance is also present. Though what makes it possible to break apart the energy of resistance is to observe change. Whether that be in yourself or others, when flexible, or how inflexible, how willing, or not, how open, or closed, how easy, or difficult this change is going to be. Then resistance is seen for what it is - Resistance.


Once attention is turned to observing resistance, and it’s various forms. That is physical, biological, and non-physical, identification is not so difficult. In fact, when looking it is like noticing something that is already in existence, it’s just that attention overlooked it. For example, it is often said that people who buy a certain colored car, an item of clothing, or something other, that prior to buying, they could not recall noticing the item. Yet, once aware, or should we say, “raised to the conscious self” suddenly similar items appear and are seen everywhere. This is the dynamics of conscious awareness in operation, and when applied to observing resistance, it operates exactly the same.

So, in observation mode, resistance can easily be identified and this can be achieved in two ways. That is, from the outside to in, or the inside to out. The process is exactly the same.

Starting by observing your day, try to turn inward and observe your own conscious awareness. That is, the same way you’d connect to intuition, the inner self is listened to the same way. In doing so, it will not be too long before the realization occurs that YOU are not really YOU. This is not a mind quiz, yet the truth of the truth is that when attention, awareness, and conscious intent is turned inwardly, then a natural phenomena arises. That is, often the observer questions the observer. In other words, you ask yourself who it is you really are, and whom it is that you are communicating with. This aspect of self is a real positive breakthrough, and one that vastly improves daily life.

Though for now, please allow a step through of detailing the observer, turning attention inwardly. While the root may not instantly surface, in curiously questioning, the light from your torch is being shone on the darkness. That is, using your own conscious attention is like shining a torch inside a dark cupboard. As where attention goes, consciousness flows. Though for the first time, it is like searching for something that you don’t know really exists. Imagine going into a cupboard and you know that you are here to find something, and although you do not know what that something is, your job is to connect to that of what you discover, to what is already outside the cupboard.

The job of identifying resistance is not too dissimilar. As when observing, you first look on the outside, then connect the dots from the inside. Once this technique is applied over and over, it becomes almost as natural as walking. Though for now, as this is the first time, please allow time to digest, make mistakes and perfect the routine.

As an example, Mark was planning to move office. He thought and felt comfortable in his existing surroundings, yet felt equally comfortable with the planned move. However on the day of the move, his train was delayed and by the time he arrived at work, contrary to his instructions, the removal company had already began packing. The office move got underway, yet endured much stress, and by the time he arrived home, it was much later than expected.

The above is a brief outline of subtle sub-unconscious, as well as physical resistance in action. While it may appear subtle resistance such as a delayed train, daily stress, and arriving home late are petty and unimportant. If not caught early, subtle resistance will eventually develop into full-blown physical resistance. Blatantly obvious physical resistance is where Mark physically engaged verbally telling the removal company, “you have gone against my orders and packed prior to my arrival”. In speaking verbal, is the creation of physical reality. The knock on effect is the creation of unrest and a tension for the rest of the day. Eventually the office move happened, but the packers were slow, causing avoidable stress and a delayed departure home.

The job is to identify, not to unearth yet, but to identify only. As already mentioned, what is often overlooked is the pettiness and simplicity of resistance. Yet if unidentified, it continues it’s journey until expressed through the physical. While some might say this is the reality of reality, they are absolutely right. That is, it is their reality, but it does not mean it is the only reality, as there is indeed another way. There is another universal phenomenon, and while it might sound nauseating, “change the inner world, and the outer world will eventually reflect it”. Though, while this might be thought of as an impractical solution, and as difficult as it is to address, it is a key aspect towards recruiting the energy of resistance to work for, instead of against.

Though back to Mark, for did you notice that the delayed train was linked to Marks resistance? Yet, if the train was outside of, and not a part of Mark, how could this be? This is what’s described as subjective synchronicity. That is, “so on the inneth, reflects on the outeth”. Meaning that whatever is going on within one’s sub-unconscious, has a direct effect and impact on external events around. Furthermore, when one’s overall consciousness is trying to convey something to the conscious self, synchronistic events often show up in life. Nevertheless, in order to connect the dots, one only needs to pay attention to their own reality. While some might dismiss this as just a delayed train, and that’s all there is to it. The suggestion is to re-consider.

If the train was delayed and there were no dots to connect, then yes, it could be deemed a totally unconnected coincidence. However, if Mark were to shine his own torch of conscious attention, experiencing moments of “aaaahhhh”, then he knows there is a link. How does he know? Because his overall consciousness will tell him, but if there is no link, and no dots to connect, then it can be cast aside as irrelevant. Though more on this later, the task for now is to make links and connect the potential dots. Basically, anything and everything that happens before or during Marks office move could be considered potential.