Gita in 5 Minutes by T. Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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The picture on the cover page summarizes the approach of the Gita. For taking a precision grip, grasping and for solving any problem- like the use of five fingers in our hand for doing any work – we need to create, develop and use five essential tools: general guidance from literature and persons well versed in similar problems, good knowledge of the problem on hand, deep devotion to solve the problem, deep commitment and vigorous action, and lastly, gracefulness and stress free state within oneself and with the environment. If one is not able to progress one should carefully examine which of the five components or tools need to be refined, sharpened or strengthened and act accordingly. Success is bound to follow.

In this way, we can reach even very hard goals such as self-realization, God-realization or following one’s Dharma amidst adversities as in the case of Arjuna.

The brief guidance in the form of 4 powerful shlokas given in section 2 in this context is usually applicable to all situations and to all problems for all persons at all times.

For facilitating self-discovery and realization of God, Section 3.1 first provides the specific precise knowledge about the self: what it is, where it came from and how long it will last and what is its relation to God. In section 3.2 knowledge about God is provided; what God does, what He does not, where He can be found and a bit about how. Section 3.3 describes the Nature in which we are embedded in order to be able to make use of it and yet be able to see and go beyond it, so as to reach our goals. An accurate reliable picture about birth and death is given in section 3.4. With this we can have a time integrated infinite perspective which will take us to a free from fear stable strategic platform, so essential to succeed in the magnificent task at hand.

Section 4 is about action, the power of action, our attitude to action, and the results there of, as well as the need and the process of attaining a meditative state for giving our full, devoted, unwavering total attention.

Section 5 is about devotion and grace. Devotion to anything has a self-strengthening quality; it is Nature’s way or God’s way. It is like a nuclear chain reaction, self-strengthening and reinforcing. Devotion to task brings in God’s grace as well as task’s grace: grace of all people and entities related to work which beams in through every occasion and opening to light up everyone and the objective in brilliance.

In case of abstract subjects such as realization of God, grace is essential. Maintaining gracefulness is the most powerful penance for earning grace. Giving up all concerns enables one to skip oneself, overcome all constraints and attain freedom to see oneself and the God in full.

Section 6 describes the exultation in the successful individual who through Gita, overcame his problems, found his way and realized himself and the God. Each one of us too can now, reach such a state. The internal processes described here are applicable everywhere in the minute detail.

Section 7, like Section 2, is universally applicable for solving all problems or challenges, in all walks of life, at all times. Being devas - god like “Parasparam Bhavayantah” (3-11) elevating each other, and being Yogis (6-46), there is nothing in this whole universe that any individual cannot grip, solve, discover, create, achieve or attain.