Gita in 5 Minutes by T. Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Gītā Sakśhipta Sagraha


1. Prayer

Arjuna Pleads

na ca śaknomy avasthātu bhramatīva ca me mana |

nimittāni ca paśyāmi viparītāni keśava ||1-30 ||

O Keshava, I am unable to stand and take any decision. My mind is whirling, deluded, perplexed and negative. I am unable to think and I feel giddy. I see many negative signs, reasons, indications, marks, tokens and omens 1 (1-30)

2. Brief Guidance

God (Lord Krishna) Answers

klaibya mā sma gama pārtha naitat tvayy upapadyate |

kudra hdayadaurbalya tyaktvottiṣṭha paratapa ||2-3||

Don’t be unmanly Partha, this does not befit you; shake off your weakness and arise and do your duty, you blazer. (2-3)

tad viddhi praipātena paripraśnena sevayā |

upadekyanti te jñāna jñāninas tattvadarśina ||4-34||

You can find a solution from wise men by bowing to them, by respectful questioning and by service. The seers of truth and sages will instruct you (4-34)

śraddhāvānllabhate jñāna tatpara sayatendriya |

jñāna labdhvā parā śāntim acireādhigacchati ||4-39||

A self- controlled, devoted and dedicated person can acquire the knowledge and soon attain divine peace. (4-39)

uddhared ātmanātmāna nātmānam avasādayet |

ātmaiva hy ātmano bandhur ātmaiva ripur ātmana||6-5||

One should rise by one’s own efforts, one should not degrade oneself; one alone is one’s friend and also foe. (6-5)

3. Knowledge

3.1 Nature of Soul

na tv evāha jātu nāsa na tva neme janādhipā |

na caiva na bhaviyāma sarve vayam ata param ||2-12||

Never was I not there, never were you and all these kings not there, never will we all be not there in the future. (2-12)

avināśi tu tad viddhi yena sarvam ida tatam |

vināśam avyayasyāsya na kaś cit kartum arhati ||2-17||

You understand that soul by which this body is pervaded is imperishable. None can destroy this immutable, eternal entity (2-17)

mamaivāśo jīvaloke jīvabhūta sanātana |

manaḥṣaṣṭānīndriyāi praktisthāni karati ||15-7||

In the living world, the living ones are My own eternal particles which attract the six senses including the mind abiding in nature. (15-7)

3.2. Nature of God2

na karttva na karmāi lokasya sjati prabhu |

na karmaphalasayoga svabhāvas tu pravartate ||5-14||

God neither does anything, nor does He induce any work in the world, nor allot fruits of action, all of which happen as intrinsic to nature. (5-14)

nādatte kasya cit pāpa na caiva sukta vibhu |

ajñānenāvta jñāna tena muhyanti jantava ||5-15||

God does not assign or accept anyone’s sin or virtue. Due to ignorance living beings are fooling themselves (by thinking that He does). (5-15)

gatir bhartā prabhu sākī nivāsa śaraa suht |

prabhava pralaya sthāna nidhāna bījam avyayam ||9-18||

God is the goal, supporter, lord, witness, abode, close friend, origin, end, resting place, treasure house and imperishable seed of all. (9-18)

yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānir bhavati bhārata |

abhyutthānam adharmasya tadātmāna sjāmy aham ||4-7||

Whenever the constitutional, foundational and essential operating principles and good practices for evolution (Dharma) decline and the opposite, undesirable ones (adharma) rise, I manifest (4- 7)

mayā tatam ida sarva jagad avyaktamūrtinā |

matsthāni sarvabhūtāni na cāha tev avasthita ||9-4||

All of this is pervaded by Me in the un-manifest form. All beings are in Me but I am not placed inside them. (9-4)

na ca matsthāni bhūtāni paśya me yogam aiśvaram |

bhūtabhn na ca bhūtastho mamātmā bhūtabhāvana ||9-5||

Neither are beings placed in Me, nor do I dwell in them, look at My divine wealth of yoga, I am the cause and support of all. (9-5)

aha sarvasya prabhavo matta sarva pravartaté |

iti matvā bhajante mā budhā bhāvasamanvitā ||10-8||

I am the origin of everything and