How to Attract Women Right Away by Remy Jacobs - HTML preview

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Conscious Attraction

A Lesson in humanity to get you going

For years, scientists have studied the attraction that happens in various animals. In most cases it is the male who initiates the attraction process. Male butterflies, for example, release a particular scent; some will flap their wings while others just sit with their wings open. Each of those is specific to a species of a butterfly, but in all of those cases, the male that initiates the attraction process specific to his specie will be the one who gets the female. Now a recent study showed that butterflies in specific, "take turns in courting", but with animals, it is always up to the male to do the mating. When it comes to humans, what attracts us to each other and unites us is not confined to a certain technique or method like in animals; it is far greater than that. What binds us, attracts us, and makes us love each other is humanity itself.

Humanity is what connects men and women together. Humanity is what makes us different from other mammals. Loving interactions come from our humanity. It is our compassion and our ability to forgive that makes us human, and humanity must be the backbone of your interactions with the opposite sex if you want them to be successful and appealing. Humanity is a quality, the more you work on it the better you become as a person and the more attractive you will become. If it weren't for our manners, thoughts, and words, we wouldn't be human, and we wouldn't be able to interact with the other sex. Every other animalistic instinct we have as humans is not in harmony with our ability to attract each other. Humanity is therefore the only thing that unites us as men and women under the roof of lust and love. It is the only doorway. Everything else makes us different. For centuries, society has led us to ignore the fact that women are very different than men, however, if we acknowledge the fact that woman are so different; it will become the base mindset and source for our interactions and understanding of each other.

To become very attractive to women, you need to start celebrating this difference. You need to love the fact that we as men are not the only humans on earth because women inhabit it with us as well. You have to first love them because of this difference, before looking at any other trait like looks and attitude. Attraction will always happen when you adopt this mindset. The attraction process is very beautiful; it is part of life's essence itself and shouldn't be looked upon as a way to "game" women. Attraction happens for couples to meet and prolong life as they mate. And so whenever you interact with a woman, keep your mindset directed towards the fact that women are a totally different species on our earth, but with whom we are able to connect and interact through humanity and love. When you do that, you will notice that your interaction has become light-hearted and positive: attraction will then instantly fall into place.

Without the difference between men and women, we wouldn't feel the need for coupling and without coupling there would be no mating process, and therefore no life. Realizing this and consciously remembering it when meeting or talking to women will also make your interactions beautiful and smooth. Women will respond to you because you will be appreciating their presence and you will naturally charm them by making forget their insecurities as women.

This is how I want you to visualize your interactions with women you are just meeting: Imagine the both of you in heaven, and upon meeting, you realize that the two of you are able to prolong life together, and as you engage in conversation you keep in mind the fact that you are in heaven and that you don't want to annoy them but simply to attract them, and this mindset will do the job because this mindset is very attractive. Females won't help but notice your special energy, and they will want to engage in more conversation with you. It is direct, manly, and human all at the same time. It is the naturally attractive mix. And women don't need words to be attracted. They are instead attracted to your energy and vibe.

Now let's say you meet a beautiful woman with whom you decide you want a serious relationship from the very first moment you see her. In this case, it will be entirely up to you to make the first step, not her. Do you stand in awe and silence not knowing what to do? Do you try to apply so called pick lines or fake and completely wrong conversation? Do you think this a viable basis for an everlasting perfect relationship? No it is not. Humanity, however, is. You have to go and talk to her the very second you see her, the very second you decide she's the one you want for yourself. Your interaction should first and foremost be from human to human, that is the right mindset from which you should be communicating in addition to the mindsets discussed in this chapter: You are in heaven, and the conversation has to be treated as such, you are celebrating your difference and appreciating the special female energy which you can attract by keeping your conversation on a merely human level. When you proceed as such, women will be reading between your lines, and what you will convey to her with that mindset, is as follows: "Hello, I'm human just like you, I want you, I am interested in you and I want to build a relationship with you", no matter what your actual words are you will be able to communicate that to women. This is the subtlety in us humans that most men ignore and all women wish to see. Women don't want you to be a conversation specialist of any sort, they simply want you to acknowledge the humanity behind the interaction, and when you give it to them they can't resist it because it charms them.

The beauty of it is in its simplicity, the knowledge of this alone is going to change all your interactions with women to the better, because your actual words won't matter. This is why women are seen to be on a different wave-length as men. The decisions they take about us men are based on much higher standards than just words. They are based on the mindset through which you view your interactions with them and the rest of the world.

Holding the mindsets discussed in this chapter is the correct mindset needed for women to accept you instantly. By holding all these beliefs as you go on about your conversation, you will emit energy that women desire because it is both a masculine and understanding energy which are irresistible to women when combined.

The love women want is a generous one.

Most men mistake the whole concept of love. Women's expectations are almost never met in this matter, and more women are learning to live with this sad reality. The media, which is a business that just wants to sell, has corrupted the idea of love. It conveys the wrong concepts to the masses. Love is becoming defined by either sexuality, or money. Sexuality in itself is an illness and has nothing to do with what women will consider as attractive and it won't help you to make a woman genuinely love you. Sexuality means that you are thinking, or fantasizing about a woman for a prolonged period of time. This habit is a waste of energy, and just won't get you anywhere. As for money, if you think that women will truly love a man just for his money, you are wrong and have probably been brainwashed by the advertising that takes place all over the media.

The misconception related to love that has corrupted many men is easily traced back to how the media works. The media basically wants to sell you things. It is how they make their income. They want to sell you cars, clothes, and other services you probably don't even need. And the best way to make you buy their products is by connecting them to beautiful women and the idea of love. They might show a man using the products they are selling while he is surrounded by lots of women, which falsely makes him seem attractive. And the fact that they have been doing it for decades has created whole following of stupid lovers out there. Now some women might like cars, and some women will try to seduce men with lots of money, but this has nothing to do with real love or attraction.

On the other hand of all this, there happens to exist a type of love that women seek and need. They will look for it until they find it, and once they do, will stick to it no matter what. That love is the one and only generous love.

To be able to successfully arouse enough interest and desire in a woman for her to consider entering a real loving relationship with you, you need to display a lot of generosity. You need to put a conscious effort into being a generous person by initiating and giving a good and positive presence. Generosity sets a very deep connection between you and a woman. If she asks you for something, you should immediately do it, and do it with pleasure. If you see her struggling with something you have to help her. You shouldn't hesitate one second to be a giving person. Give smiles, give time, give attention, and give humanity, give attention, all the time.

Many men try to avoid anything related to the word "devotion". For some mysterious reason, it freaks them out. However, it is clear that avoiding what needs to be done is not manly and therefore unattractive. And now that you know what needs to be done, it is even less manly to ignore it. Devotion is the one thing that will assure your relationship will last. Why? Because when you are devoted to something or someone it implies a lot of generosity. Don't think for one second that a woman is willing to stay with you if you are not devoted to her. Devotion is often overlooked or misunderstood, and you have to get it back on track in order keep your relationships and attractions successful.

The reason being, women are selfish when it comes to your love which is understandable; if the woman of your dreams is going to let you in her life, she will unquestionably want your love all for her and her only. She might be ok with your love for other hobbies, but she wants to be sure that you will be as devoted into nurturing your relationship with her, even in your earliest interactions. To keep a woman happiest, she has to know that she is the only one you will ever be with. If you don't keep at it, the flame will die, which is why you will need to do the right kind of effort into your relationship. As we have discussed before, this effort has to be a conscious one, a serious one, and a concentrated one, but most importantly it has to be a generous one because it is the trait you can't overlook for women to be always attracted to you. A synonym for generosity is nobleness. When you look around you and notice the type of men that hang out with the hottest women, you will see that they all possess this quality. They are all as generous as it gets. The generosity I am talking about is not about money. It's about your ability to give your all into every interaction with a woman, no matter what is being talked about.. So always display generosity in all its kinds, from the very first moment you meet. Women will instantly pick up on your devotion, and will simply want to stick around. This is how you show a woman that you are to be loved. It is a demanding quality, but it works when it comes to women. It is not about your words either; a study has shown that only 5% of your communication is with words. So what you are doing here is showing women that you are a generous lover.

Generosity needs to become an acquired quality and sustained over a long time.

At the beginning of any relationship, men become naturally happy doing whatever a woman asks them to do because they want her happy and they don't think twice about this effort, and it works like a charm. Women don't see this as a sign of inferiority, but rather a noble attitude, because during these times, men will put their ego aside and put their woman on top of everything. Some men will even try to impress a woman with the ease with which they can do certain tasks, however, after a few months into a relationship, their ego kicks in and starts ruining things, women's requests become burdens. This is a big error you should avoid to stay attractive and loved by any woman.

The reason some men find it easy to attract women is because they know that trying to do something for a woman pays off very big. To be an attractive man and successful with all the ladies, you have to be courageous enough to consciously do something for your woman and make sure she knows you are doing it for her. Men who naturally attract women have enough courage to actively do something for a woman knowing that she knows they are doing it to impress her, and yet continue to do it anyway. Women love this bold attitude. Nothing makes them fall for a man quicker. Be of noble servitude, and the benefits you will reap with women will be enormous. Women label this attitude as being cute. They know you are making a conscious effort for them and it is what they will respond to.

When you are in the presence of women, you might not realize that they are putting an effort most of the time. If you want to attract a woman by doing nothing, you won't be getting any results. When a woman is smiling at you, laughing at your jokes, trying to make up a conversation to keep the ball rolling, she is actually putting a conscious effort into it, a lot of it. You have to always keep that into perspective. When you start appreciating the effort women are putting with you, you will instantly become more attractive, because with your new realization you will naturally want to give back. Women will want to be with you because they can feel you understand them and are appreciative of their efforts. With that in mind everything becomes easier. You might have not realized this before and taken everything a woman does with you as granted, which is why you probably failed at sustaining any level of attraction you saw in her. You simply did not understand that she was actually putting an effort.

When a woman talks to you, you have to forget the world and be entirely mesmerized by your interaction by giving all your energy into the conversation. That is the only way of being on the same wave-length as the woman in front of you. And you will come off as an extremely irresistible man because you secretly know that they are putting an effort all the time. Keep in mind that women do not want you to know that they are actively putting an effort into your conversation. Which is you probably fell in the trap of taking it all for granted. Now that you know, everything changes to the better.

And thus, generosity is one of the traits which will make women look up to you and love you because you will always be giving back. If you complain about doing things for a woman, even internally and without saying anything out loud about it, it will be obvious to women's "gut" censors. If a woman asks you to do something, you would be a fool not to do it right away. Do it with pleasure, because you will know that woman will want to pay you back somehow. Do it entirely, but then don't ask for anything in return: this will make room for attraction to happen, and the woman you happily served or helped will come fill this room in whatever way she sees fit, all to your advantage.

Women are very sensitive, and they will be deeply affected by your nobleness. Just remember not to mention your good deeds and efforts ever again. She might not even thank you, but she will do it to see if you are the real noble man you act to be. And in order to become one, you have to do what you do with no strings attached. If she thanks you, just give her your best smile and tell her "Ah! It's nothing!" You have to guard the energy that was emitted out of this interaction because it is the attractive energy that will make her come back as long as other women with her. Dear reader, with this noble and lucid attitude, you will start getting women thinking about you for a very long time!

When you first meet a woman, you will also notice yourself putting an effort to make her smile or laugh. She loves it, you love it. You are thinking "I am the most awesome man this woman has ever met". But once your relationship is in its second or third month, don't stop what you're doing. Don't take her for granted, even if she does it. In order to be a winner in the love game, you shouldn't hesitate to put that effort again and again because you will then be on top of things. This is the generosity women find noble, and extremely attractive. She won't be able to get away from you when she realizes that after a sufficiently long period of time, you have not stopped doing what she likes, what makes her smile and laugh. What worked at the beginning of your relationship will continue to work as you settle down. So don't be incoherent with yourself and don't ever change your attitude, especially the one that has made her like you. Otherwise, she will start thinking "He is just not the man I thought him to be". She will know that you can make her laugh, but you stopped doing it. She will translate it into her mind as you not wanting her to be happy anymore. She will become very insecure as to why you stopped wanting to impress her, and will look for her security elsewhere.

It is a much known fact that women are not logical creatures. If a man changes his attitude because a relationship has moved forward thinking that his woman will "understand", he is absolutely wrong. A continuous and conscious effort is your winning card. You need to understand that women will keep appreciating the things you do for as long as you do them. The same behavior that made a woman like you and laugh with you from the start will continue produce the same effect over and over again as your relationships move along the different stages.

Your job is to consciously notice the traits that make you attractive. Can you make women laugh? Can you tell great stories? Do you like taking them on an adventure with you? Once you recognize these traits, repeat them consistently and generously as to not make her shy away from the relationship. And remember that most women can't say no to a noble man.

Here is an important example that demonstrates the effectiveness of consistency in your generous efforts and to also show you how women will test your love for them, a test which you cannot afford to fail: At one point in a relationship, when a man is doing something that is taking his full attention, like watching a game, his girlfriend or wife magically appears, and initiates conversation. She will talk about something very mundane and distracts him. Now from his point of view, it is a pretty silly moment. He becomes selfish and in extreme cases, might even wonder how stupid his woman can be to annoy him with something unimportant when she clearly sees he is concentrated on his thing. What this man doesn't realize is he just missed a key moment in his relationship, one that will go unnoticed by many and which can lead to a disaster in any relationship when not treated properly, especially in the early stages of the relationship. His woman, regardless of what he was doing, had an urge of insecurity. It was independent of him and the game he was watching. She needed reassurance and security and her man is the only one she can trust and go to. She picked a random subject just to initiate conversation because she needed something to talk about and grab her man's attention. She didn't pick a serious subject because her goal of the conversation is not the conversation itself. She did it because she needed to feel love, and she needed it immediately. Everyone knows just how addicting love is. And where else would a woman look for her dose of love other than her trusted man? Keep this story in mind because it will serve you best when a similar situation arises with you. In this mushy and somewhat messy situation that most men can never wrap their heads around, understanding what your woman is going through and giving her the love she is needing will make her fall harder for you, probably for good. From a women's point of view, a real man won't hesitate one second to stop what he is doing and give her his full attention. And now that you have this knowledge, it will make of you one hell of an attractive man. This key moment will happen to every man at least once in their lifetime and it will decide how eager your woman will want to please you later on. If her insecurity arises at an inappropriate time, make sure she knows you leave what you are doing for her, and you do it with pleasure without wanting anything in return. This will make her feel as a little girl once again, a little girl who is cared for by you and only you. And it will only be a matter of time before she completely surrenders to you.

You have to use these moments to your favor and to the relationship's favor instead of dreading upon them. Show her that you really love her when she is weakest. (In the example above, the woman came to her man knowing that he was concentrated, which added even more to her insecurities), so it is essential to treat that matter the right way. Remember that you are the man of the relationship, not her. Make her feel loved, take responsibility for your relationship. Take responsibility for wanting to be with her. Besides, you wouldn't want another man giving her his full attention do you? If a woman does that with you, understand that she is not doing it just to annoy you because these moments are the most sensitive to woman.

Now despite the fact that showing you women a generous love is important, words still have a weight in your social interactions, and to be able to naturally attract the woman of your dreams, not only should your actions be genuinely generous and from the heart, but your words too.

Being polite the right way is the arrow to the heart.

The way women see a conversation (interactions), or a relationship (set of interactions over a long period of time), is similar to a back and forth game. You can easily miss out on your interactions with women and end up on entirely different wavelengths.

When you put an effort into the conversation, you will be listening to the words women are saying, and you need to respond accordingly. As intuitive as this seems, many men fail to give their conversation the right amount of concentration, which for you to succeed with women, needs to be a hundred percent. When engaged in a conversation, your best bet is to stay active, don't look away, the conversation is happening right here and right now, and the woman you are talking to is probably fully concentrated on your interaction. Don't analyze what you need to say next. Just say it. You have to be the one steering the conversation. The dominant male will naturally lead the conversation. So instead of trying to think of what you should answer a woman, show her who is the boss and just do it, talk, and women will then start answering you and responding. Taking the lead is that easy, and it is essential for you to do it as the man. Moreover, it is very manly and attractive when you allow yourself to get fully submerged in the conversation and the woman in front of you without minding your surroundings, like people looking at you.

So if you want to attract a woman, you will need to keep your conversation confident and positive. When a man thinks a woman he is trying to meet is rude or cold, it is probably a reflection of his own poor and negative attitude and his ego will simply magnify the negativity of the interaction by telling him that the woman he is talking to is cold. The ego's stand in this situation is incorrect... and negative. Women will only respond to nice and positive conversation. The elite womanizers know this, and now you do too. If you want to have the slightest likeability with women, you need to learn to actually be nice, elegant, and flatter your way around without wanting anything in return. The trick here is to actually say nice things like you really mean them and again, without wanting anything back. This is the manly way of doing it, and it will attract any woman you are talking to. When a woman sees that you talk this way, she will melt at your ability to bring positivity and good things to this world. And that will literally set you apart from most guys who are trying to attract her. The more a woman is beautiful, the more she wants the conversation to be beautiful. It is that simple. So take care of your words when talking to women, and in return women will take care of you, because you are that precious in their eyes.

Women expect your views to be poisoned by the media. They expect you to follow the herd into false beliefs about relationships and conversation. When you exhibit these two key traits, generosity and politeness, you will set yourself apart from the majority of other men. You will become a leader. And you will be on the same wave length as women. You will be able to build lots of relationships with different women, whether they are romantic relationships or casual ones. In any case, you will get the attention you want from females. They will pay you back your generosity. And they will be honest in their interactions because they see you as polite and noble in both your actions and words.

The Manly Honesty - A Real man knows himself better than anyone else.

In order to be able to communicate effectively with women and get what you want out of your interactions, you must first consider how honest you truly are. Honesty towards yourself should be your first goal in order to become successful at meeting women. Your interactions will then follow naturally. A man who is honest with himself is ten times more attractive to women than a man who is "counterfeit". Women can smell dishonesty from a mile away. They can very easily tell when a man is not being real. And they don't like it.

In other words, you must see the truth behind every situation you get into, regardless of appearances. A real man can see the truth and knows how to accept reality.

A man who is faking his status in life will simply be lost with women. In order to project honesty into your interactions, you must first recognize where you stand in life. You should know yourself better than others know you. This doesn't require you to do anything while engaged in an interaction with a woman, but prior to setting out on the path of emotional success, get this done with. Are you rich? Are you poor? Do you have a big family? Do you have a rare disease that no one has ever heard of? Do you consciously know and accept that you don't like it when someone treats you a certain way? Are you a clean freak? Are you divorced? Are you a virgin? Take responsibility for who you are, and do it with your head held high because it is the only version of yourself that you have.

When can women feel that you deceive the people around you using appearances to make yourself look better and then they do, they will not only refuse any kind of attachment to you, but will actually try to deceive you to give you a taste of your own medicine. Lying to yourself and faking your abilities in order to attract women is like going on a long trip with your tank half empty and hoping that somehow the car is going bring you to your final destination.

The reason why you shouldn't ever lie to yourself when it comes to women is rooted in women's behavior towards men. Believe it or not, women will help you attract them. Women actually help you accentuate your emotions and beliefs. If a man is constantly bragging about having a lot of money to a woman, she is going to act upon it. She will want to actually help him impress her. So she will start implying that she wants an expensive gift, not for the gift itself, but to help him impress her and to make him feel good around her. Women will want to match your energy and to help you attract them. If a man on the other hand is honest to himself about his humble financials, the woman he is attracting will show him signs of contentment so that he feels good around her knowing she doesn't want expensive gifts. Women are very flexible. If you put an effort into your interactions and keep them polite and generous all the while being honest to yourself, she will match your energy because she will want to be with you.

Now women's ability to see through your emotions is a double edged sword. If you happen to be mad at something but trying to hide it, she will also be able to tell. She will start acting in a matter you don't like to try and make you express your feelings. She does this because she wants you to express yourself honestly, and will therefore try to make you mad so that you open up. So keep that in mind anytime your emotions are directed towards someone or something other than the woman you are with. The lesson here is to recognize your emotions and express them. Never hide them, because women are born professionals when it comes to emotions and will be able to see through you and accentuate your emotions.

Be honest about who you truly are, and be honest about what you fee in the moment.

Equality explained: what women will never tell you about treating them right.

A lot of you have heard women complaining about not being treated as an equal. Equality in a relationship is probably one of the most common misconceptions amongst men. The question of equality can make most men freeze and I can positively say that 90% of men will never be able to understand this subject or know how to handle it. But when treated the right way, its consequences are huge in terms of how much a woman will love you. If a woman spots a man who treats the women he likes with equality, she will do anything to make him like her. She will want to get him and keep him. Women who have such a man will brag about him in front of everyone they know. The thing is, no matter how stupid or intelligent a woman is, beautiful or ugly, the one thing they can tell with absolute certainty, is whether a man is treating her as an equal or not. This is the reason for which equality has become a real measuring tool for a woman when deciding whether to stay with a man or not.

Luckily for you, equality is a rather simple concept to grasp, and the reason why it has probably been hidden from you is because both men and women want to keep it that way: women will never tell you that they consider this trait as truly attractive and desirable because they want to be able to differentiate between the men who are naturally capable of treating them as an equal and those who aren't. It is therefore in their nature not to discuss such a subject with any man. Their job is to spot those who already have this quality, not to teach the clueless ones. As for men who are also hiding this knowledge, it is understandable because they want to keep the winning secret for themselves. Attracting women is awfully greedy and competitive as it is, and you will probably decide to keep this piece of information for yourself as well.

To best explain what this equality really is, I am going to demons